✔️Chapter 10: Please

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Chapter 10: Please

Same Night
Randal's Hotel Room
Carrie's POV:

I sat on the couch between the twins as April sat next to Nicole and the guys tried to calm Randy down as he paced.

"Did anyone know about it?" I asked making everyone freeze as the shared glances.

I sighed, not even angry anymore "It's okay. It wasn't your secret to tell. But if anyone else knows what he is hiding, I want to know right now"

Everyone shook their heads, truth in their eyes so I knew they weren't lying as Randy kept pacing.

"That asshole! I told him. I told him so many times what would happen. And now he's left you alone to face those mutts!" Randy growled as he started pacing even more.

I rolled my eyes, yeah, he was more angry about me facing The SHIELD alone than anything else.

"I'm gonna help you, to hell with storylines" Randy said as he finally stopped pacing.

"Randal, you can't. You and John have your storyline and match. Bryan, you have the Wyatts, and April, you have your divas match. And Nikki, Brie, you guys can't you would get eaten alive and it would make no sense" I told them as they all nodded in agreement.

Randy finally sat down on the other couch along with Bryan and John as we sat in silence.

I felt my phone buzz for the hundredth time since I got here and I finally took it out of my pocket.

PunkyBear: Baby I'm so sorry

PunkyBear: Plz tell me u r okay

PunkyBear: Care-Bear Please

Missed Call From PunkBear

Missed Call From PunkBear

Missed Call From PunkBear

PunkyBear: Ik you are upset but please just respond

PunkyBear: U aren't in the room. Where r u?

Missed Call From PunkBear

Missed Call From PunkBear

Missed Call From PunkBear

Missed Call From PunkBear

PunkyBear: I'll go home. I'll take the medicine. I'll see the doctor......Carrie, please just answer

I sighed as my phone rang as he called me again.

I answered and placed it on speaker as all the girls watched me.

(Bold and Curved- Carrie)
(Bold- CM Punk/Phillip Brooks)

Yes Punk?

Oh thank you god. I was so worried. When I got back to the room you were just gone and then you weren't answering and then I called the girls and they wouldn't respond and I got really worried and I know you are mad at me but I'm so sorry Carrie. Please forgive me.


Everyone looked at me shocked, expecting me to just forgive him.

Phil was shocked to as he stayed silent for awhile.

N-No? What do you mean No?

I mean, No. I don't forgive you. I may not have been here for the last 13 months but I called you almost everyday, I came to every Pay Per View and every single weekend I stayed at your house when I wasn't rehabbing. And you didn't have the balls to tell me?

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