✔️Chapter 7: Subway

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Chapter 7: Subway

Tuesday Morning
11:32 AM
CM Punk's Hotel Room
Carrie's POV:

I woke up to Phil's quiet snores as my phone buzzed from across the room.

I groaned and opened my eyes slowly to see Phil's face in between my boobs as I was layed flat on my back, his arm tightly around my waist and legs wrapped around him.

I giggled at our position, especially since his face was in my boobs, that little perv.

I tried to move him but his grip just tightened as he mumbled something I didn't catch.

"Phillipppppp, wake uppppp! Why is your face in my boobs?" I asked as he groaned and shoved his face deeper.

I could feel his smirk "They are glorious Baby. So soft, the perfect pillow"

I rolled my eyes and laughed a little before he kissed my boob through the shirt and finally rolled off of me.

I sighed and sat up before standing up and walking over to my bag.

I bent over and started looking for some clothes for the day while I felt Phil's heated stare on my ass.

Insert eye roll. As I've said, perv.

I decided to tease him a little and I lifted up the shirt a little more so my ass was on full display as I heard him groan loudly.

I pulled out a pair of black leggings, a red skirt and a black sweater along with matching black lingerie.

I picked them up and fixed the shirt before walking to the bathroom but before I could leave Phil grabbed my waist and pulled me back to him.

"You don't have to go in the bathroom Love. You've changed in front of me before. I encourage you to do it actually" he said with his usual smirk on his face.

God I was in love with a perv.

I sighed but slowly put my clothes down and slipped off the shirt before throwing it at his face.

I blushed as he started checking me out so I turned around so I faced away from him and slid off my bra and panties before sliding on the new ones.

I put on the rest of my clothes before slipping on my brown spiked ankle boots I love before grabbing my phone as Phil went to go and get dressed for SmackDown.

Phil came out wearing his usual gear and gelled back hair.

He kissed my cheek as he grabbed his phone "Hey Babe, wanna get breakfast, well technically lunch?"

I may have hated that name but coming from Phil, I just didn't hate it as much.

I nodded and kissed his cheek before he grabbed his room key and we made our way down to the lobby.

He grabbed my hand gently as we walked, hand in hand to the Subway a block away.

To most it would look like we were just best friends, which we were. We've been best friends for years and for years we've acted couply as people would say.

I went to go get our seats while Phil got our food because he knew exactly what I wanted.

I sat at a table with high chair stools that looked out the window.

It feels like just yesterday I met Phillip, with his straightedge lifestyle and his long oily hair and his Punk ass attitude.

*FlashBack To 2005, ECW*

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