The Cow (Reaka)

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"Good things come to those who wait."

My mother always told me that. She said that everyone had been waiting and it was our job to be the ones giving. To that I always heard a small voice in my head screaming, "Can't they give too?" Once as a 5 year old I voiced my concern. No dinner. Some part of me had always been screaming for help, they only managed to quell it for a short time. Sometimes I wonder if they ever had that small voice, what happened to them that made them so perfect. Even when I was "the definition of charity" I wondered why I kept on falling short of their achievements. I loved them with all my heart but, sometimes I hated them for bringing me up in this world.

I woke up in a hurry, cold sweat clinging to my body. My heart was beating a mile a minute, today was going to be a great day. I pushed past piles of broken toys, outfits, weapons, random people's socks, (Where do you think they go? Dryer heaven?) etc. I bounced to the kitchen bursting through the door with a loud shout.

"AY YO YO YO YO WHAT TIME IS IT?!" An awkward silence consumed everyone in the room.

"8:15?" A very confused Emalia offered from her seat at the table. From there everything continued as normal Cundrie ranted about how spongy, rich, chocolatey, moist and pleasing chocolate cake was. She went on to further explain that coupled with gooey chocolate sauce it became even better. I for the most part ignored this, instead taking in what everyone else was doing Emalia was downing her fourth glass of milk, Scarlett was fawning over herself in the mirror and Iren was sitting at her chair staring intensely at her bowl of noodles.

"Why are you staring at ur noodles?" I dared to question. She looked up with a straight face then looked back down not bothering to say anything else. I looked over at Cundrie who was making spaghetti carbonara.

10 minutes later I was racing down the streets dragging a bag full of bags behind me. Emalia and Cundrie who originally joined me on my quest to steal random things from the townspeople had fallen behind long ago. Emalia was currently talking to a young man who thought he could get some embarrassing details from her. Yeah, lol- good luck getting the truth from a girl lies for a living.

After a short while of running I slowed down glancing around at the surrounding shops. I had somehow gotten myself into what you could call a mall but was basically just a long open market for just about anything. I had been here once and that was only to find a nice handbag for some town folk back before I became REAKA ALMIGHTY OVERLORD OF GREED! DUN DUN DUUUUNNNN!

Wandering around the open market was quite fun, I passed by many vendors, each selling something new and exciting. I finally made my way to the end of one long row of shops, stumbling onto a small stand full of trinkets from other cities and continents. This shop stood out from the rest for the array of shining objects displayed brightly in the window. The thing that really caught my eye was the large cow standing on the counter. A notice on the door screamed for attention, it's bright bold letters read: "NOTICE THE COW IS NOT FOR SALE!" What did I do? Well, I did what was natural and took the cow.

My mother said, "good things come to those who wait." I laugh at that. If there's something in front of you, take it. There's no point in waiting, letting the opportunity slip by. That's why I took the cow. That's why I take things. That's why they call me...

REAKA ALMIGHTY OVERLORD OF GREED STEALING THINGS BREAKING THINGS HOARDING THINGS THE FAMILY BUSINESS, and stealer of cows. I let out a loud laugh as I marched off to the bunker. Just wait until everyone hears about this.

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