Shed (Emalia)

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Of course, when Scarlett introduced the cow to all of us, my heart stopped, dropped, and rolled. She found OUR cow! Me and Raeka stole that cow! She must have gotten off of her rope in the woods. It was a temporary place, to be fair, but we really needed a proper home for her.

I ran into Raeka's room immediately. Her shoulders tensed and she lept in front of her pile of stolen items. Once she saw it was me, she relaxed a little and stealthily moved over to a different pile and stood in front of it. Some of the things in the pile looked vaguely familiar... but I don't have time for that now. I have a rope in my hand and a cow on the rope and an emergency on the table. "Raeka," I gasped, closing the door after Cownt entered. "She found our cow. She called her a HE."

"I KNOW. What even happened??"

"Idk man, but we need to get Cownt a better home than the tree." I thought for a minute. "What about that rusty butt tool shed in the back of the palace? Could we get somebody to move it into the woods for us?"

"No," Raeka decided. "That's too suspicious. As much as it pains me to say it, we need to move it... ourselves."

wE nEEd tO mOve It OurSElvEs?!?! She does have a point. It would look preeeeetty sketchy if we asked people to move this abandoned shack into the middle of a forest. But we're weak, sooooooo...

Next thing we know, we've emptied the old tools out of the building and have lifted the shed off of the ground. It's pretty light because it's, you know, rotting and falling apart, but that's ok because it has a solid tin roof for rain and whatnot. But we did get a ton of splinters on the way, and a weird stare from Jason and Earl as we sidestepped past them towards the woods. But they knew not to question us from past experience.

After four and a half hours of picking it up and putting it down, we finally got lazy and just settled on a spot kind of deepish in the forest. Cownt made a cow sound in what must have been delight, and we tied her rope to the shed so she could go in and out whenever she pleased. "We'll get her food and stuff later," Raeka sighed. That was a hard day of work, and now we deserve chocolate cake and relaxation for the rest of the month.

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