( ͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ ° ) (Joseph)

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The sun sets golden over the capital. Rosy light brushing the pale white stone alcoves. Shadows loomed underneath the large arches offsetting the scene ever so slightly. Looking down toward the center of the city one could see the curved dome of the basilica looming high over the rest of the city. The town square was emptying out as I looked across it searching for a familiar face.         

Heeled boots of sinners and saints click on the ancient flagstones. Tiles eroded soft from thousands of feet. The owners of which I was responsible for. I was supposed to lead by example, to teach the peoples compassion and kindness. That burden is one I have given myself over to, but I didn't always carry it alone. There were seven of us, and we stood strong together. The sparse halls of this castle feel even more empty without them. But now it's so quiet I can hear boots clicking on the streets below my window. The clicks of people who rely and believe in me. People who trust me to stay by their side and serve this country.

People who have already been betrayed, five times.

Sometimes I get tired sometimes, I want to stop, but do I? No. Because I'm better than that, I'm stronger than that. I'm stronger than them. I'll keep doing my duty even if I have to do it without them.

"Joseph?" A low voice, slightly worried, breaks the silence.

"Here." A can't help but half smile. Without them, but not alone. In my times of need Earl stands by, a constant reminder of what little hope I have left. "They'll be back." He reminds me constantly tugging on my hand, pulling me back to earth. I turn to him, glancing once over my shoulder in search of something before returning with him to the royal apartments.

I sunk into the velvet chairs of the main living area, my gaze flickering around the common room, the warmth of the fire almost thawing my empty heart.

Earl stretched leisurely in the doorframe. His features were highlighted by the flickering light, dark, soft, curly hair, -still unbrushed- lay across his forehead. His lips pulled into a soft smile, even warmer than the fire.

"C'mon, let's go ride" He turned toward the hall. Disappearing into the shadows of the apartments.

"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"


My face broke into a smile, the first real one in a long time. I stood, the feeling of isolation dissipating as I walked after Earl. I do love horse riding, and volunteering at soup kitchens.

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