The Story of the Lost Angel | Seraphina's Real Parents?!?

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Seraphina had been training hard at the Fighting Academy for the past few weeks now and has learned the basics of hand-to-hand combat. She's now at least capable of defending herself from any minor threats that may befall her. She and the rest of her class are wrapping up the day with their instructors, Raphael and Uriel. "Dragon Stance!" Uriel shouts. "HA!" All the students take the same stance with a small shout. "High kick!" Uriel shouts again. All the kids kick at the space in front of them, reaching their feet as high as they can with another shout. Uriel continues to bark different attacks at them and they continue to attack. Uriel breathes a heavy sigh and smiles. "Whew! Ok, everyone. That's enough for today. You all did very well today. Dismissed." Uriel says. They all bow before they start to leave. Seraphina starts to leave as well. "Seraphina." Raphael calls to her. Seraphina stops and curiously turns around. "Yes, Raphael sensei?" Seraphina says. "Come here for a second." Raphael says. Seraphina walks back to her two instructors as the rest of the class leaves. "I want to ask you, about that technique you tried on your first day." Raphael asks. "Oh, uh... that wasn't anything special. It was just something I saw on TV. And then used to destroy half of my room. Hehe..." Seraphina giggles nervously. Raphael turns to Uriel with a slightly annoyed expression. "And she tried to use it in here?" Raphael asks. "Well, we did ask her to show us what she knows. And that was all she knew at the time." Uriel adds. "Uh, correction. YOU asked her to show us what she knew." Raphael says. Uriel gently shoves Raphael. "Oh, would you stop it? Can you believe he's a cupid? He's so stuffy and boring." Uriel says to Seraphina. Raphael simply grumbles under his breath. "Regardless, we would like for you to show us that technique again. Shall we step outside?" Uriel asks. Seraphina nods and the three head to the back of the academy outside. Uriel and Raphael are a good distance away. "Ok, Seraphina. Go ahead." Uriel says. "Ok. Here goes!" Seraphina says. She puts her hands together again and a ki blast forms. "Spirit Wave... GO!" Seraphina says. She shoots the blast outward and it grows in size, expanding to a large portion of the yard. Uriel and Raphael both look on in surprise. "How, in the world...?!?" Raphael says. "How can someone her age create an attack like that?!?" Uriel adds. Seraphina stops and turns back to her two instructors as. "Was that good?" Seraphina asks. She stops for a moment when she realizes how stunned her instructors are. "What? What did I do?" Seraphina asks. The two then straighten up. "You, are far beyond any of your training mates. None of them can do anything like that." Uriel says. "What? Really?" Seraphina asks. Raphael nods. "But, there's something else. That energy of yours, didn't feel as pure as a normal angel's should. I don't want to be the one to tell you this Seraphina, but you're no ordinary angel." Raphael says.

Seraphina raises an eyebrow. "Huh? I'm, not a normal angel? Of course I am. My Mom and Dad are both normal angels, so I must be one too, right?" Seraphina protests. Raphael moves to get a closer look at Seraphina. "I thought you looked familiar. You're, the lost girl, aren't you?" Raphael asks. Seraphina looks confused at Raphael. "Lost... Girl?" Seraphina asks. "A few years ago, word spread over the entirety of Heaven that a mysterious girl had appeared in front of a suburban neighborhood. No one knew who she was, how she got there or where she came from. But, what they did know was her name. A pendant around her neck read 'Seraphina.'" Raphael says. Seraphina looks down at her neck and takes a look at the pendant with her name on it. She grows shocked as she looks back at him. "That girl, was me?!?" Seraphina asks. Raphael nods. Uriel even seems shocked by the revelation. "But wait. Then where did I come from? How did I get lost, and how did I end up here?" Seraphina asks. "Those questions, I don't know the answer to. But, what baffles me the most is that none of that explains your abnormal level of power. As we've said before, no normal angel your age should be able to do what you just did." Raphael says. Seraphina looks at her pendant again, unsure of who she even was anymore. "Well, none of that matters I suppose. You're here to learn to control that abnormal power, aren't you?" Raphael says. He notices that Seraphina is completely out of it, hardly listening to what he's saying. "Raphael, you can't just say those things to a child and expect everything to be normal after that. What is the poor thing supposed to think now?" Uriel says. "I was just telling her what she needed to hear. You know as well as I do that something about her is different." Raphael says. They both look at Seraphina again. Finally, Uriel puts a hand on Seraphina's shoulder. "Listen sweetheart, why don't you head home for the day? Your parents are probably outside waiting for you now." Uriel says. Seraphina looks up at her and nods slowly before the three head back to the front where Seraphina's parents take her back to her home. Some time passed and Seraphina was eating dinner with her family, but was hardly touching her food. Her parents looked at her and notices that she was clearly troubled. "Seraphina? What's the matter? You're hardly eating." Penelope says. Seraphina places her fork down on the table gently. "Mom, Dad, who was the... Lost Girl?" Seraphina asks. Both of them look shocked and taken off guard by the question. "The... what?" Penelope asks. "The little baby girl. Who appeared suddenly, in someone's neighborhood a few years ago. Who was she?" Seraphina asks. Her parents are speechless as to avoid answering the question. "Well, uh... We didn't really know much about it ourselves. We were more concerned, with raising you." Harold interjects. "Was the girl, me? And were you the one's who found me?" Seraphina asks. When her parents look at Seraphina's eyes, any response they have quickly dries up in their minds and they just look at her stunned.

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