The Family Reunion

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Seraphina was reunited with her real parents in Universe 5 with the help of her most recent instructor God of Destruction Saketo. Seraphina's mother, named Lilim, stands at her door in disbelief and overcome with joy to see her long lost daughter. "Is it really you? After all these years?" Lilim asks, still unable to believe what she's seeing. Seraphina smiles back at her, feeling emotional as well. "It's me, mother." Seraphina says with a smile. Lilim then grabs her daughter tightly and hugs her, with a sudden motion that slightly startled Seraphina. Seraphina hugs her back as well as her mother begins to cry, rubbing Seraphina's head. "Oh, my beautiful baby girl!" Lilim exclaims happily. Seraphina, unsure how to reply, remains silent for a moment before speaking. "I'm surprised, you recognized me so quickly. It's been so long..." Seraphina says. "I could never forget the face of my own flesh and blood daughter. My precious baby!" Lilim says, overcome with joy. Her mother's genuine happiness and her words make Seraphina a little emotional as well. Saketo sighs in the background and looks around, unmoved by the emotional display in front of him. Lilim finally pulls away to get another look at Seraphina. "Oh, you've grown up so beautifully! This entire time, your father and I had no idea what happened to you. We didn't know what to do or what to think. I'm so happy you found your way back home." Lilim says smiling warmly. "Yes, I am too. I'm sorry, for running away like I did." Seraphina says looking down at the ground. "Oh, don't you worry about that now. You were young and curious. You didn't know any better, and your father and I should have kept better track of you. But that doesn't matter now, because you're here again." Lilim says. She then gets a bit puzzled and asks, "By the way, where have you been all this time? Who raised you, and how did you find us here?" Lilim asks. "Oh, well apparently the teleporter brought me to Heaven, but in a different Universe. Universe 7, to be exact. And I was raised by my paren-" Seraphina starts to say the word "parents" but thinks for a moment and decides it may not be the best choice of words. "Or uh, I was raised by two other Angels named Harold and Penelope Marianne. So that's the name that I went by, Seraphina Marianne." Seraphina explains. "A different Universe? Oh, you poor thing, you must have been so scared." Lilim says. "Well, apparently when I first got there, they couldn't get me to stop crying for the first week. They said it was the least amount of sleep they ever had in their lives." Seraphina says with a small laugh. "Well, at least I can be thankful that you were raised right. I'm so happy, you've grown into such a beautiful young woman." Lilim says smiling again. "I'm happy to see you again too. By the way, where is my father?" Seraphina asks, looking around the inside of the house.

"Oh! Your father! He would love to see you as well! But he's out right now. He's a Sargent in Heaven's army, so he's doing his work." Lilim says. "Oh, that's rather unfortunate. When do you think he'll be back?" Seraphina asks. "He may still be a few hours, sadly. Oh! We can go see him!" Lilim says. "Go see him? Are we allowed to? He works in the Palace, doesn't he?" Seraphina asks. "Yes, but if we ask him to take a break he should be able to. Oh, he'll be so happy to see you again. Hold on, let me go and get Gabriel." Lilim says. Seraphina raises an eyebrow. "Gabriel...? Who is that?" Seraphina asks. "Stay right there. I'll be right back." Lilim says as she closes the door. "Hey! Are you almost done over there? I don't have all day!" Saketo says in the background. Seraphina turns to him annoyed. "Oh, would you just relax? You promised that you would take me to meet BOTH of my parents. I'm just going to meet my father." Seraphina says. "You've got some nerve talking to a God of Destruction like that. Don't forget your place, girl." Saketo says threateningly. Seraphina sighs and turns her head. "Weren't talking big when I blasted you..." Seraphina says to herself. Saketo's ears perk up slightly. "What was that? I don't think I heard you." Saketo says. "Oh, it was nothing, my Lord." Seraphina says in a sarcastic voice, giving a forced bow. Saketo's eyebrow twitches a bit. "Are you mocking me?" Saketo asks. Seraphina smiles. "Yes, my Lord." Seraphina replies. The door then opens again and Lilim is holding the hand of a small boy. He's 9 years old and has yellow eyes and short blonde hair with a tan skin tone. He looks up curiously at Seraphina and she looks back at him the same way. "Seraphina, this is your younger brother, Gabriel." Lilim says with a smile. Seraphina's jaw drops as she looks back and forth between her mother and her brother. "My WHAT?!?" Seraphina says in shock. "And Gabriel, this is your long last sister, Seraphina." Lilim says. "Long lost sister? I have a sister?" Gabriel asks. "Yes, and this is her. Say something to her. She won't bite." Lilim says. Gabriel looks at Seraphina curiously. "You're my sister?" Gabriel asks. "I, suppose. Uh, hello there?" Seraphina says awkwardly. "Hi. Where have you been all this time?" Gabriel asks. "Well, it's along story, but I was just... traveling." Seraphina says. Lilim was smiling in the background, but then turns her attention to Saketo. He snarls at her. "Uh, Seraphina? Who is your friend?" Lilim asks. "Oh, him? That's Saketo. He's a God of Destruction." Seraphina says. Her tone is casual, but Lilim nearly passes out after hearing that he's a God. "He's a WHAT?!?" Lilim says. She immediately kneels down, her face nearly on the ground of her patio. "My humblest apologies, my Lord! I had no idea I was in the presence of a God!" Lilim says. Saketo sighs heavily. "Oh for the love of- is every resident of Heaven like this?!? It's so damn annoying! Get on your feet, for Pete's sake!" Saketo demands.

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