The Mysterious Creatures

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A few years have passed since the events of the dojo reunion party and Seraphina is now 22 years old and has a job in her city's police force as Chief of Police. She had actually just recently bought her first apartment in Heaven with her roommate and old friend Venus. The two had just moved in a few hours ago and Seraphina was saying goodbye to her parents. "Well, I guess that's everything. Thank you for helping us move in, guys." Seraphina says to her parents. "It's no problem, sweetheart. We're very proud of you. You're really all grown up now." Harold says. "You really are. Just, promise you'll call us. And stop by every once and a while, okay?" Penelope says, pulling out a tissue. Seraphina sighs. "Mom, you're not going to cry, are you?" Seraphina asks. Penelope uses the tissue to wipe her tears with a smile. "Of course I'm going to cry! My little baby is all grown up, living on her own, and you're even Chief of Police for the city! I'm so proud of you, Seraphina, I just can't contain myself." Penelope says. "I get it, Mom. Please just, cut it out, ok?" Seraphina says with a smile, trying to hide that she's on the verge of tears as well. They all say their farewell and Venus says goodbye to her parents as well. The two then settle into their new apartment. Once they're both settled into their rooms, they both stand in the living room still adjusting to everything. "Wow. It's crazy to think we actually went through with this." Venus says. "Yea. It feels, kind of surreal. But, I'm sure that we'll do just fine. We've been planning this for months, and it's finally happened." Seraphina says. Venus stretches out and yawns. "Yea. Well, all that unpacking has left me beat. I'm gonna go change into my lazy clothes now. Hey, do you wanna go get dinner later to celebrate?" Venus asks. "Sure. Sounds like fun." Seraphina says. The two girls share an apartment together for around 6 months and are doing well in their own. Seraphina was at the police station in Heaven in a large office by herself. She suddenly gets a call through her communicator. She pushes a button to let the call go as she continues. "All units respond, we have multiple reports of strange alien creatures attacking various cities in Heaven. Targets should be considered extremely dangerous. Use all necessary force to bring them down. Shoot to kill, I repeat, shoot to kill. Over." An officer says. Seraphina looks curiously at the communicator. "Aliens? That's strange. How could aliens have gotten through the Pearly Gates?" Seraphina asks. She sets her work to the side and puts on her armor before she heads to one of the areas where the creatures were last seen. She finally sees one of the creatures attacking a family in the suburbs. The creature has a humanoid body with a light brown exoskeleton on the outside of it's skin. It also has insect like wings and 6 small eyes with one large one in the middle of it's face. Seraphina cringes at the sight of the creature. "Repulsive. What are these things?" Seraphina says.

She lands in front of the panicked family to protect them. "Stay behind me! I'll handle this!" Seraphina says powering up. The creature shrieks at her, saliva running down it's mouth. Seraphina flies up and kicks the creature in its face sending it flying away. Seraphina then charges a ki blast and fires it to follow the creature. The creature catches itself and knocks the ki blast away. Seraphina raises an eyebrow. "That could be problematic." Seraphina says. The creature then grows four more arms from its sides and shrieks at Seraphina again. Seraphina then turns to the family of four. "Run! Get out of here!" Seraphina says. The parents pick up their two children and run away in the other direction. Seraphina powers up more and charges at the creature again. Seraphina punches the creature's face and the creature grabs her with its other arms and the two both come crashing back to the ground. Seraphina grabs it's two main arms and begins pulling at them. The creature spews venom from it's mouth at Seraphina. She dodges it and it lands on the ground behind her, burning a hole through the ground. "That was close. You, came into the wrong city, scum! Now you'll learn the error of your ways!" Seraphina says. She continues pulling at the creatures arms and pulls them off. The creature screams in pain as dark yellow blood spews onto the ground. Seraphina then reels back as hard as she can and with a shout, punches through the creatures head, putting a pothole in the ground below her. The creature twitches a bit before all movement stops and it finally dies. Seraphina gets up and shakes the blood off of her hands. "That was strange. They said there were multiple reports of these things?" Seraphina says to herself. She thinks for a minute and then flies off to where there was another report. There are already a few officers fighting it as it attacks them. "Stand down!" Seraphina says. The officers all look to her and drop their attacks. The creature charges at them but Seraphina stops it by tackling it to the ground. "Help me restrain it!" Seraphina says trying to get a hold on the creature. The other officers join her and soon hold the creature long enough for Seraphina to get a hold on its head with both hands. Her hands glow yellow and the creature goes to sleep, falling to the ground. Seraphina then turns to the rest of the officers. "If you get anymore reports of these things, kill them. I'm turning this one over to a lab to be studied." Seraphina says. "Understood, chief." The officers say as they all fly off. Seraphina calls a patrol vehicle that flies in and takes the creature off to a lab to be studied. The creature is placed in a large pod with scientists all around it. Seraphina speaks with one of the female head scientists. "Chief Seraphina, what is this thing exactly?" The scientist says. "I'm not sure. We're getting a lot of calls about these things attacking people." Seraphina explains.

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