The Search for the Land of the Gods

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It's been a day since the Kann'lik invasion in Heaven when Seraphina and Venus lost their home and Seraphina was fired from being Chief of Police. Her parents decide to go into Seraphina's room to check on her first thing in the morning. Her father Harold knocks on her room door. "Seraphina, are you feeling alright?" Harold asks. There's no response. He then slowly opens the door and sees that Seraphina isn't there. "Seraphina?" Harold asks, an all too familiar feeling washing over him. He quickly gets flashbacks of when Seraphina first ran away when she was younger. "Oh no..." Harold says. He then quickly starts looking up and down the house for her again shouting her name. Penelope then finds Harold. "Harold? What's wrong? Where is Seraphina?" Penelope asks. "I don't know! She wasn't in her room this morning!" Harold says. "What? She ran off again?!? Why did she do that?!? Where could she be this time?" Penelope asks. They both search for a few minutes. "What do we do? Where could she possibly be?!?" Penelope asks. "I don't know. I'm going to call her friend." Harold says, reaching for a phone on the wall. Meanwhile Venus, who's still asleep in her own home, is woken up by her own cellphone ringing. She reaches for the phone and answers it with a yawn. "Hello?" Venus says. "Venus, thank goodness. We went to check on Seraphina this morning and she wasn't in her room. Is she there with you by any chance?" Harold asks. Venus looks puzzled as she still tries to wake up. "Wait... Seraphina did what?" Venus asks, rubbing her eyes. "She ran off again. We don't know where she is? Did she tell you anything? Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" Harold asks, this time more panicked. Venus sighs. "Oh man... She ran away again? What is it with this girl and getting lost?" Venus asks herself before talking to Seraphina's parents again. "I'm sorry, but wherever Seraphina is she isn't here. She didn't tell me anything either, so I don't have a clue where she could be." Venus says. Her parents grow more worried. "Oh no, we have to call the police! She used to work there, maybe she made some friends there that can-" Penelope says, but Venus cuts her off with a scoff. "Pssh, I wouldn't bother with those idiots. You'd be better off going out and looking for her yourself then trusting the police around here." Venus says. "Huh? Why do you say that?" Penelope asks. "If half of the things Seraphina told me are true, then half of those cops couldn't find a missing shoe, let alone Seraphina. On top of that, Seraphina only was released from being Chief yesterday so I doubt they have a replacement already. They'd be even more lost trying to look for her." Venus says. Seraphina's parents get more and more worried. "So, what do you suggest we do then?" Harold asks. Venus sits up in her bed. "Well, you don't have to do anything but sit tight. I'll find her for you." Venus says.

"You? But, how?" Harold asks. "I don't know. But I have a better shot then just about anyone else I can think of. Plus I need to give her a piece of my mind for wandering off again like a lost child anyways." Venus says. "Venus, are you sure you want to? I mean, will your parents be alright with that?" Penelope asks. "I doubt I have to worry about that. She couldn't have gotten too far in just one night." Venus says. Harold and Penelope look at each other for a moment, feeling slightly concerned for Venus and her safety. However, seeming to have no other options, they don't try to stop her. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Harold asks. "Yea, I'll be fine, remember? Seraphina went to the same fighting school. There's nothing she can do that I can't." Venus says confidently. "Yea but," Penelope starts to say but Venus cuts her off. "Yea yea, I know, I can't turn into a Super Saiyan. You know what I mean." Venus says. "Well, alright then. We trust you. Please, bring our baby girl back home." Penelope pleads. "You can count on me, Mr and Mrs Marianne. Thanks for calling. Guess I'll be on my way." Venus says. They say their goodbyes and hang up. Venus then sighs and goes to the closet to put on her old light green training gi with the dojo insignia on the back. She also puts her brown hair up in a ponytail and puts on a black head band. She ties her black black around the waist of her gi and laces up her boots. She also packs a bag with some food in water in case she needs it. "Alright, Seraphina. Surely you couldn't have gotten too far." Venus says to herself as she leaves her parents home. She flies into the sky, hoping to find a good starting point. After a few hours of flying around several cities, Venus lands at a transit station to take a breather. "Oh man, where is that girl? Did she seriously leave the whole country? Shoot, I didn't even consider that she left Heaven all together. Based on what she told me about her talk with the Queen, I wouldn't be surprised. Shit." Venus says to herself, followed by a heavy sigh. "Maybe I am in a bit over my head. I'm pretty sure I'd at least be able to feel her energy by now. I don't even think she's in Heaven anymore." Venus says slightly annoyed. She stops and thinks for a moment as to where she might be, the transit vehicles humming around her as the chatter of the transit drones on behind her. "Hmm. Knowing her, she locked herself up somewhere and is training her frustrations away. But where would she go where she can train where no one would find her? She can't be at the dojo, and I doubt she went back to that forest either..." Venus says as she continues to ponder.

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