The Kidnapping | Seraphina's Power Erupts!

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Seraphina has run away from her home in search for her real parents, but meanwhile her adopted parents are worried sick and doing everything they can to find her. The first thing they did was report it to their local authorities. They frantically enter a large building that's similar to a police station, but of a much higher class and full of angel patrols. They walk to the man up front at the desk. "Hello, can you please help us?!? Our daughter ran away this morning!" Penelope says. The man narrows his eyes at the two. "Didn't you guys just find a lost kid a few years ago? Now you've lost her again?" The man says. The two get very angry at the man. "For Heaven's sake, our daughter is out there all alone! We don't know what we'd do without her!" Harold says. The man sighs and summons his head officer. "We'll get right on it folks. Don't worry, we'll find her in no time." The man at the desk says. The head officer arrives at the desk and the two chat. "Oh, where in Heaven could she be? Why did she run off like that?" Penelope says worried. Meanwhile, the flying bus that Seraphina was on came to a stop and she got off. She waves goodbye to the bus as it flies off. "Bye, mister! Now, I got a strange gut feeling when I saw this place. I think my parents are around here somewhere." Seraphina says. She turns around to the large city. The sun is beginning to set as she walks the streets alone. She walks past a restaurant and a man who looks like an employee gets pushed out the door. "Get the hell out of my store!" The owner says. The employee, an angel man, angrily gets up and throws his uniform hat to the ground. "Come on, old man! You're really gonna believe some filthy customer over me?!? I've been working here for near 10 years!" The employee yells. Seraphina turns around and curiously looks back at the two as they argue full volume in the streets. "I don't like thieves, Gene! You wanna steal from my register? You can take your stealing ass somewhere else! You're fired!" The owner says as he slams the door shut. The now ex-employee, named Gene, punches the ground in frustration. Seraphina walks up to him. "Are you ok, mister?" Seraphina asks. Gene quickly gets up and starts to walk away. "Get lost, kid! Don't you have somewhere to be?" Gene says coldly. He makes it a good bit down the street and Seraphina shrugs before she goes the other way. Gene meanwhile looks through a window and on a TV where he sees an ad. "This is an official message announcing the search for a lost angel girl." The person on the TV says. Gene stops and looks at the TV. When he looks up, he gets a little confused when a picture of Seraphina shows on the screen. "Her name is Seraphina, age 6. If you see this girl, there is a cash reward of up to 8,000 shillings (Heaven's currency) for her safe return to her parents." The person on the TV says. Gene's eyes light up when he hears the cash reward. "That's, the kid from earlier! How did she end up way out here?" Gene asks.

He turns back around and sees Seraphina walking about a block away. "Hey kid, wait up!" Gene cries out to Seraphina. Seraphina turns around and sees Gene running to him. "You, your Seraphina, right?" Gene says. "Uh-huh, that's me. Wait, how do you know my name?" Seraphina asks. "Uh, I'll explain later. What are you doing out here in this city by yourself, kid?" Gene asks. Seraphina smiles a little. "I'm looking for my real parents. I got this feeling that they're here in this city somewhere." Seraphina says. Gene thinks for a minute and gains a smile. He then gets surprised as if he realized something. "Oh! That's where I remember you from! You're looking for your real parents? I know those guys!" Gene says. Seraphina's eyes light up. "Really?!? You do?!?" Seraphina says excited. "Yea! In fact, uh, I remember when you were still a baby. You grew up a lot, kid. The day they lost you, oh man, they were devastated." Gene says. "Are they really here? Can you take me to see them?!?" Seraphina asks. "Oh, sure thing. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to see you. Follow me." Gene says as he leads Seraphina away. Eventually, the two make it back to a normal looking house while Seraphina was asking Gene questions about her parents the entire walk. "Do they like to watch anime like me?" Seraphina asks. "I don't know what that is." Gene says annoyed. "I didn't ask if YOU like anime. I asked if THEY like anime, silly." Seraphina says. Gene sighs heavily. They approach the door and Gene opens it. "Are they in there?" Seraphina asks. Gene opens the door and the two walk into the house. "Just wait in here. I'll let your folks know that you're here so they can get you, alright?" Gene says smiling. Seraphina smiles back at him. "Ok! I can't wait!" Seraphina says. Gene closes and locks the door as Seraphina goes and sits down on a couch. Gene walks over to a slightly more high tech looking house phone and dials. "Hello, patrol? I found that little girl in the ad." Gene says. Seraphina's smile fades and she turns confused to Gene's direction. "Huh? Patrol?" Seraphina says. "Well if you want to see her again, how about you double the reward and you can have her?" Gene says greedily. "Reward? What do you mean reward? Are you talking to my parents?" Seraphina asks as she walks up to Gene. "Those are my demands. So unless you raise the reward, she's staying right here." Gene says as he hangs up. Seraphina looks up at him confused. "Were those my parents? Are they coming?" Seraphina asks.

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