A Clash of Gods

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One day has passed since Seraphina returned back to her home in Universe 7. It's the afternoon and Seraphina decided to pay Venus a visit to let her know she made it back. She knocks on her house door and waits for a response. After a few moments, Venus' mother answers the door. "Oh, hi Seraphina. You're back. Are you doing alright?" Venus' mother asks. "Hello, Mrs. Armstrong. I'm fine, thank you. Is Venus home?" Seraphina asks. "Sure. She's upstairs. Wait right here." Venus' mother says as she closes the door to get her daughter. Seraphina waits patiently outside and Venus soon re-opens the front door with a smile. "Seraphina! You're back!" Venus says before hugging her. "Yes, I'm fine. I still can't believe you went all that way to look for me." Seraphina says. "Well, I kinda promised your parents I'd find you. Long story." Venus says with a chuckle. "And you actually fought with Emery. He could have easily killed you, he doesn't really care about mortals too much." Seraphina says. "Yea, I kinda figured that out when he had his hands around my throat. Hehe." Venus says with a chuckle. The two pull away. "You were being reckless." Seraphina says. "I couldn't help it. I just, had to keep my promise. And, I wanted to see you again. You're my best friend, you know?" Venus says. The two exchange looks for a moment and Seraphina sighs. "So then, I guess I should address the matter at hand." Seraphina says bluntly. Venus looks around a bit nervous. "Uh, what do you mean?" Venus asks. "The, exchange we had before you left Saketo's planet?" Seraphina says, crossing her arms. "Uh... what exchange?" Venus says with a nervous chuckle. "Venus. You know exactly what I mean." Seraphina says, this time raising an eyebrow. Venus sighs. "Yea, I thought you might be, curious about that. Hehe..." Venus chuckles again slightly hiding her face in embarrassment. "You know, you're only suppose to do things like that to people you, really like. Like, boys and stuff." Seraphina says. "Yea, I know. I just, couldn't think of what else to do. I just kinda wasn't thinking." Venus says. Seraphina scans her for a moment, seeing that she's visibly more nervous than usual. Seraphina raises an eyebrow. "I feel like there's something you're withholding from me, Venus. Is something the matter?" Seraphina asks. "Oh nothing... it's just kinda crazy, to think how strong you are now. I always knew you were better than the whole training group, but I never thought you'd be on the same level as the Gods. You're, really incredible." Venus says, her face turning a little red. Seraphina raises an eyebrow. "Well, thank you. I do appreciate it, but... you're acting very strange. You've never gotten this nervous when we talked before." Seraphina says inquisitively. Venus sighs, turning even more red. "I... well, I don't really know how to explain it. And when I think about it too much, it feels kind of... wrong but..." Venus says hesitantly. "Where are you going with this?" Seraphina asks.

"Oh, to hell with it. You know how you said, you're only supposed to kiss boys that you like...?" Venus asks. "Uh-huh?" Seraphina responds. Venus looks to the ground, playing nervously with her hair. "Well, what if... what if I do like you, like one of the boys...?" Venus says blushing furiously. Seraphina is silent for a moment. "I... I'm not following. What are you trying to say?" Seraphina asks again. "Alright. I guess I'll just have to show you." Venus says placing a hand on Seraphina's cheek. Seraphina gets a bit confused and tenses up, but after a while begins to calm down. "Um, Venus? What are you-" Seraphina asks. Her words are cut off when Venus gives her a gentle peck on her lips. Venus is hesitant and nervous, making the kiss quick and fleeting and hardly gives Seraphina much time to process what her best friend had just done. The two look at each other for a moment, not saying a word. "Did you, did you just... kiss me?" Seraphina asks. Venus nods nervously, waiting for a response from Seraphina. Seraphina is almost speechless as she tries to find a way to respond to what just happened. Venus' hands move down from Seraphina's face to her shoulders. Seraphina looks down shyly. "How long... have you felt this way?" Seraphina asks. Venus shrugs. "Oh, I don't know. Around the time we moved in together is when it became strongest. But I think I've had these feelings since I saw you again at the dojo reunion party." Venus says. "The dojo reunion? That was almost three years ago." Seraphina says in surprise. "Well, patience is a virtue of the Gods, you know." Venus says with a chuckle. "Huh... that it is..." Seraphina says shocked. "Well? What do you think?" Venus asks, waiting with bated breath for Seraphina's response. "I'm not sure what to think. This is so unexpected. You've been my best friend for so long, I thought you would have told me sooner if you felt this way." Seraphina says. "I was always to afraid of how you might react. And, I didn't know if it would be the right thing to do or not." Venus says. "The right thing? What do you mean?" Seraphina asks. "Well, I've never felt this way about anyone else before. Especially not another girl. I didn't  know what to do about it." Venus says. "Oh... I see." Seraphina says. "So then...? What do you think? Do you... accept my confession...?" Venus asks nervously. Seraphina gets a bit flustered, but after a moment regains herself. "Venus..." Seraphina says. She gently takes Venus' hands and removes them from her shoulders and places them back at Venus' side. Venus looks back at her confused and Seraphina slightly shakes her head. "I'm sorry, but I can't accept. This all just seems, a bit too weird. You've always been my best friend, and... I think that's how it should stay." Seraphina says. Venus forces a smile and looks off to the side.

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