Chapter 5

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Taking a deep breath, I slowly walked to the door and opened it. Wearing a white polo shirt and dark, ripped jeans, Lucas looked every bit of the handsome man he was. His unruly hair made him look younger than he actually was. Lucas looked so different in his casual clothes- quite boyish as a matter of fact. He took his time to check me out and finally when he met my eyes, he gave me an award winning smile. Despite his greek god features, Lucas didn't make my heart race. However I couldn't say the same about he-who-must-not-be-named.

"Knew it would hurt for an angel like you to fall from the sky. Anyways, ready to go?" he advanced his hand to me.

Rolling my eyes at his flirty comment (hopefully he wouldn't consider eyes rolling rude. I'm not ready to be unemployed yet!), I nodded slightly and took his hand. After I was out the door, I locked my apartment and put the key in my gold purse.

"By the way, how did you know on which floor is my apartment?" I raised one eyebrow at me.

"I met two girls downstairs, and asked them if they knew where Alexis Scott lives. They were quite helpful you know, and gladly told me your floor number." He shrugged his right shoulder.

  I laughed a little, already knowing that those girls were my two completely lunatic best friends. Lucas smiled when he saw me laughing, then he walked me to the passenger side of his car, opening the door for me.

"And here I thought that chivalry was dead" I gave him a teasing smirk.

"What can I say? I'm a gentleman at heart." He winked at me and kissed the back of my hand which was still in his.

I blushed and giggled before getting in the car. Lucas closed the door behind me and ran to the driver's side. After settling down on his seat, he started the car and took off. All the way to his house, we made small talk. I felt at ease with him. I knew that we were going to be great friends, but nothing more. When we reached a beautiful apartment complex, he took us to his penthouse.

"Shit. I totally forgot that your presence would be necessary in you own party. Why did you come to pick me up? I mean the party is at your house, so you definitely needed to do everything!" I asked when he opened the door to let us in.

"I booked party planners earlier because I actually suck at planning parties. And I guess it won't hurt to come fashionably late to my own party." He went in, with me hot on his tail.

The sound of loud music hit me like a ton of brick. It basically felt like all the college and high school parties I attended, and let me tell you, I only went to three of them. Parties were never my thing. In the middle of the spacious living room, there was a makeshift dance floor where couples were grinding on each other as if their life depended on it. People were making out heavily in most of the places. Some people had already drunk their butt off. The smell of sweat, puke and alcohol was unbearable.

I quickly grasped Lucas's hand again, afraid of losing the only person I knew in this horrendous crowd except Zach but he was nowhere to be seen. He gripped my hand firmly and pulled me to an isolated dark corner.

"Wait here. I am going to go and bring something to drink for us and also need to greet some of the people there. We can go out there once you feel comfortable enough." He smiled warmly and walked into the crowd.

I didn't think that I would be comfortable here anytime soon. Out of nowhere, one strong, tan arm wrapped around my hip and pulled me back to a hard muscled chest. I gasped and was about to scream when he turned me around and I came face to face with a pair of blue eyes. The most beautiful pair of blue eyes I had ever seen.

Zach had a blank face on, but his eyes were already speaking all the unspoken words- pain, anger and desire was clearly visible. Truly eyes are the windows of one's soul. Seeing him so closely for the first time, made tears well up in my eyes again. Soon, they were freely streaming down my cheeks. His eyes turned into slits, as if he couldn't understand the reason behind my silent tears. Maybe he couldn't actually realize what I felt. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him as tightly as I could. I felt him stiffen by my sudden gesture before he relaxed again and wrapped both of his arms around me using the same force as me.

Just being in his arms made me feel all hot and bothered. I moaned embarrassingly when I felt his hot breath fan my neck. Zach stiffened again before he lightly nuzzled the crook of my neck. I didn't know why, but it felt right. I felt like it should've happened long before. I didn't have it in me to stop him. I knew that I loved him, so there was nothing I could think of which would make what was happening seem wrong.

Soon he started peppering soft kisses all over my neck and jaw. He slightly licked the skin behind my ear which made me moan louder. That sound seemed to ignite a new fire in Zach, because the next thing I knew was that I was pushed back roughly on the wall and Zach's lips were kissing the hell out of mine. I kissed him back with the same passion. The kiss was gentle yet rough. We both were pouring all our feelings for each other in the kiss. Anger, sadness, happiness, love and desire, everything was present in that kiss. My legs were giving out under me, so I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. Zach fortunately caught me on time before I could embarrass myself, and he grasped my thighs tightly to hold me in place. His lips tasted like mint and chocolate, as delicious as it could get. Soon, the kiss turned into a full blown make out session.

As soon as I realized that Zach was most probably drunk and later he would regret it, I pulled away from him, but he moved down to my neck, setting my skin on fire wherever he kissed me.

"Zach...." I moaned out, unable to say anything else. "Zach, we need to stop."

He mumbled something incoherent against my skin, which I didn't quite understand. I put my hands on his cheeks and pulled his head up to look at his eyes, which were a few shades darker than before.

"Zach we can't do this. You are drunk! At first when we met, you were so angry, and now you are kissing me like nothing happened. Talk to me first and then start kissing me like a barbarian!" I reasoned with him.

He looked blankly at me for a few moments. Then suddenly the blankness in his eyes was replaced with immense fury. Zach pulled away from me and removed my legs from his hips. He looked at me for one last time before turning and leaving without a word. I stood there, staring at the place he disappeared from. Tears streamed down my face, feeling both sad and embarrassed. Did I just have my first kiss? Did he seriously just kiss me like that and left me without saying anything as if it meant nothing, as if I didn't deserve any explanation?


A/N: Ello guys!!! i am so freaking excited. I know the scenes are pretty heated, but i needed to do something. I am not good with these kissy scenes, so sorry if i disappointed you.


See ya, Lovelies!! <3


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