Chapter 9

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"Woah there! I didn't know that you can sing and that too so good! You rocked there." Lucas exclaimed and pulled me into a tight hug.

Zach stiffened as he saw that and his eyes narrowed at Lucas. If looks could kill, the latter would've been long burrowed six feet under, best friend or not. As Zach shifted his eyes at me, I smiled at him and almost immediately he relaxed and smiled back. Although he was being jealous for no reasons, I still liked the fact that he cared enough about me to get jealous. At least he reciprocated some of my feelings.

After a few more drinks, a lot of dancing and a whole lot of staring contests between Zach and me, everyone decided to call it a night. Since Lucas was too drunk to drive his car properly without getting pulled over, one of the guys decided to drop him off taking Lucas's car. Not wanting to cause more trouble for the poor boy, who even considered helping the barely conscious Lucas, I said goodbyes and decided to catch a cab.

"Wait!" Zach shouted from behind me just as I was about to flag a cab. "I will drop you off."

"No. It's fine. I will manage. Thanks anyway." I didn't know why the hell I did it, but I blushed. Like seriously blushed! For god's sake, Alexis Scott, he only offered you a ride, not asked you on a date. IDIOT! Zach's voice broke my long train of stupid thoughts.

"No, please. I insist." Just as he finished saying that, I burst out laughing. Soon, he joined me.

"Like really, Zach? I insist. Formalities didn't exist between us as far as I remember. Well at least that was what you once said anyway." I said, finally calming down.

"Sorry, I am just not sure how to talk with you anymore. I feel that everything is now awkward between us. I know I am being too blunt, but you know that we need to talk, right?" Somehow his voice was soothing.

I just nodded, and when I felt that I could manage to talk without being a stuttering mess, I continued.

"Zach, I know that and I am willing to talk to you. I just don't want to do it right now. Can we please take it slow, for now? You know, one step at a time?" I gazed at him hopefully.

"Sure we can. We will walk, not run, and if needed we will walk at a snail's pace. We just need to move on, together or not." He smiled brightly, although his eyes had a trail of longing in them.

         I smiled weakly at him

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I smiled weakly at him. I knew that I still loved him, but we needed our space. Most of all, I wanted, no, needed him to forgive me, and finally he did. We would just take it step by step.

"So madam, can I please take you home now?" Zach smiled cheekily.

I laughed, nodding my head a little, and took his extended hand. Zach pulled me along the sidewalk and towards a sleek, pearl white Audi R8. Although I know nothing about cars, I could tell that that car was anything, but inexpensive. Quite impressed, I ran my free hand over its smooth texture.

"Nice car" I complimented.

"Thanks. This is my baby." He winked at me and I burst out laughing. BOYS AND THEIR CARS!

       "I didn't realize that someone or something has taken my place already. Sorry. Just joking don't mind." Stupid, stupid, Alex. Why would you say that?

Zach just smiled sadly at me. Then, he helped me inside his present baby and walked to the driver's side. After starting the car, soon the car zoomed through the almost deserted streets of London.

"So, can I ask you how did you come to London from the States? As far as I knew, you didn't have any plans of getting here." I asked.

"Well, we didn't know a lot about each other. You will eventually find out the real reason, but for now just know that I got a great job here. So I moved here." He muttered rather impassively.

I looked at him for a while, trying to figure out what he was thinking. After many failing attempts, I sighed and looked out the window. I didn't know what to think anymore. For one moment we laughed and talked as if nothing happened, and in the next the air between us was full of unanswered questions. I directed him to my house and finally he parked in front of my apartment building. We both looked at each other at the same time, both unsure what to do next.

"Thanks for the ride." I whispered as quietly as possible, afraid that my voice would break the trance we were in.

Zach slowly leaned forward and soon our noses were touching. I wasn't even aware that even I was moving towards him, towards the inevitable. As soon as our lips touched, everything changed. To hell with all the sparks and fireworks. It was full of explosions, one after another. Our lips moved in perfect synchronization. Zach held my face in his hands tenderly while I put my hands on top of his. His tongue traced my bottom lip, asking for entrance that I soon gave. We were both eager to devour as much as we could in this kiss. But good things needed to come to an end, and soon did. Curse oxygen for being so necessary!

Zach pressed our forehead together, both catching our breath. After a few moments he pulled away, but not before giving me a gentle kiss on my nose.

"Sorry, but I wanted to do that since that night. I needed it for a long time. I know it's not the right time for this. I am sorry." He whispered gently.

I just smiled reassuringly at him and scrambled out of the car. I didn't actually mind what he did. Sooner than we both wanted, Zach unwillingly drove away while I waved at him. I looked at the now empty street Zach went through. Were things going up or down between us?


A/N: ELLOOOO!! What's up?

I am tired of saying sorry repeatedly, so I am not gonna say it again. But this time I was late because someone lovely caused it.

Ok, whatever. Forget it.

Thank you guys for reading this stupid story. :)

The song on the side is one of my latest favorite ones.

Run away by the Cary Brothers------>

Love ya, Lovelies!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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