Laci was patient. Laci was kind, she did not waste time, she did no evil. Until she saw Adam and Eleanor enter Eleanor's apartment one late night.
They couldn't keep their hands off of each other, it was sickening. She peeped through the peephole and watched as they smiled at each other. Then his tongue was down her throat and her shirt ended up in the hall. She giggled as she picks up the shirt and Adam smiled along. They looked like teenagers.
Eleanor wrapped herself around Adam as he kissed her jaw, then her neck, and soon they would be sleeping on that floor. Eleanor pulled a key from her jeans pocket and hopped off of Adam for a second. He, on the other hand, couldn't keep his hands off of her. His arm wrapping around her waist and him kissing her neck as she tried opening her apartment door.
Laci was disgusted, and jealous. She was mostly annoyed that Adam had gotten over her so quickly. Maybe she was being petty when she stepped out of her apartment and approached the door, maybe it was out of jealousy. Nevertheless, Laci now stood with her arms crossed staring at the pair and wondering what her next move should be.
Before she could think to say anything, they were in the apartment with the door slammed shut. She missed her chance.
When she discovered Magdalene existed and decided to join forces, their plan was simple. They now knew about Eleanor as she'd seen her with Adam on several occasions. The one she'd just witnessed included. It was a slimy grimy feeling of being jealous and not being able to do anything about it. She wanted to destroy Eleanor.
Perhaps she could be Eleanor's demise since so many before her and Eleanor herself had failed at doing it.
She was mainly angry. Her mature thick layer was slowly shaved off and her petty hatred was on full blast.
"Hey Mags." Laci said in the most sickeningly sweet voice she could conjure. She'd snatched her phone off her kitchen table and immediately dialed the other girl.
"Laci! How good of you to call. I suppose you have news for me?" Magdalenes replied in an equally sickening voice.
"That I do Maggie. That I do..."
The stars were the only things that could be seen. It felt like hours had passed as Eleanor and Adam strolled hand in hand down the random streets of the city. It must've been way past midnight as no places were open any longer.
They talked. That was all.
And that beautiful night, they'd decided to start with a clean slate, wipe all of their ups and downs behind. The tears would be gone and the hurt and the pain.
Apparently Zac was back in town but his mind was no longer on investigating Hank Carnegie's murder— but rather on where his daughter was. The daughter he had never known existed who was the product of an undrunken night at a party and the mother whom he desperately wanted to love.
(Read more about Zac in 'Perpetually Yours' @veronicasoli)
Once Eleanor had heard this news, she had given Adam a kiss. It was weird that she was celebrating something so messed up. She was wanted for murder then arrested then on house arrest then alone and the cycle never seemed to end.
Adam was Eleanor's beginning and end. He was the purpose behind her desire to live, her will for survival and the fact that she couldn't attach feelings to any of her many one-night stands. Some who had decided not to leave before she woke up and led to an awkward opening after talk.
Eleanor's Demise ✔️
Gizem / GerilimCan be read as a stand-alone book. After faking her suicide, murdering her father-in-law, and running off to another state, Eleanor can't help but be drawn back to where all the drama happened. Her mind is constantly consumed by thoughts of Adam. Ad...