Chapter one: Home Sweet Home

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''Oh my god! Where the hell am I? I'm drowning, I can't swim! Help! I can't breathe, I'm going to die! No, no, I'm too young to die, there are still so many things I want to do...''

''Open your eyes Arielle, Arielle''

Someone is yelling my name and shaking me constantly. Oh my, What if it's the devil? Has he risen up from the flames to reap me? NO, I don't want to go to hell...

''For God's sake, open your eyes Arielle''

Wait, it's a familiar voice. I slowly open my eyes and see the worried face of my mom. Thank god, this means it was just a bad dream. But who are these other, unfamiliar, faces staring at me? What are these people doing in my bedroom? I look around the room and then it hits me. I'm not in my bedroom, I'm on the airplane...

''Are you alright honey?'' My mom asks me with a worried look on her face.

''Yeah, I'm fine,'' I whisper.

''Can I get you anything, ma'am?'' A lady who I assume is the airhostess asks me.

''Can I get a glass of water please?'' I ask her with a hoarse voice. I feel like I haven't had something to drink in ages. My tongue feels like a piece of sandpaper

As soon as the lady gives me the water I take a large gulp from it. It feels like angels are pissing on my tongue. There is nothing quite like some cool water when you're dying of thirst. I thank the lady for the water and look at the worried faces of my parents.

''Are you alright? We can call for paramedics if you're not!'' My dad says.

''I'm fine dad,'' I reply. Everyone is staring at me like I'm some sort of alien. C'mon people, the show's over, move along!

''I'm so sorry everyone but my daughter had a panic attack, she is alright now.'' My dad shouts at the other passengers. Thank god, now everyone can head back to their own business. Nosy folks.

''The flight is going to land soon honey, so buckle up!'' my mom chirps.

Why am I on a plane you may ask? Well, my parents and I are going back to our home town in Oregon after two years of living away. We had to move to Florida for my father's work. He is a financial manager at Samsung and they have their branches everywhere. Although we didn't want to move mydad's career comes first. But now we're moving back and they are both really happy.

Not me though. I'm not overly cheery though. I quite liked living in Florida. I had some great experiences there! Life with my aunt and her son James was adventurous. My cousin James has an amazing group of friends who took me in in a heartbeat. I actually really wanted to stay. But my extra-ever loving family thought differently though. My parents realized it's the last year we can spend together, cause I'm graduating and leaving for university next year, and wanted to spend it with just the three of us. More family quality time, just the three of us. And it could be arranged since my dad is no longer needed in Florida.

Honestly speaking, although it may sound cheesy, I kind of get why they want to do this. And I can make peace with it.

Soon after my mom told me to buckle up we indeed arrived at Portland International Airport. After collecting our luggage we hopped into the cab that was already waiting for us, ready to go.

The thirty minute drive home feels like hours. The cab isn't going fast enough if you ask me. The entire drive I have felt absolutely dreadful, probably because of the jet-leg. I just want to get home and crawl into my bed. All the while my parents have too big, bright smiles on their faces. Like two little children in a candy-shop.

Eventually we do get to our 'home sweet home'. I open the side door of the cab and can barely stand straight up, that's how tired I am. My dad and the cab driver get the luggage, dad hands him some money with a big smile on his face. Meanwhile my mom is literally gawking at our house. Like, sometimes I seriously doubt if my parents know they are two fully-grown adults...

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