Chapter 5: Eric's pov-2

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Eric's POV

You must be thinking that I'm bipolar or something, with all of these sudden changes in my mood.
What can I say, I guess today is just really not my day!
I enter the gym field and immediately Mr. Black Richardson, yes Richardson, this asshole is my father's brother, walks up to me. I meet him with an angry scowl on my face.

"Mr. Richardson!" He shouts, "Thank you for deciding to bless us with your presence. Would you care to enlighten me as to why you are so late?" The bastard says with a smug look on his face. I'm trying my best to not punch it right off. "Patience Eric, don't punch him, patience," I think to myself.

"I was in the principal's office," I snap bitterly at him. I'm clenching my fists so hard my knuckles are turning white.

"Okay, very well. You can join the students who are still running. I want six laps and you better start now because class is almost over. Dismissed!"

Pfft, six laps, like that's hard for me. I keep a straight face and go and change into my gym outfit. When I return to the field a lot of people are still huffing and pugging trying to make it, suckers. Some of the faster, better runners are already sitting in the bleachers looking bored out of their minds. I see Carter is sitting alone busy with his phone.
I start to run, first slowly, then faster. I love this rush I get whenever I'm doing physical stuff. And more importantly it helps me clear my mind, helps me forget what a shitty day today has been so far. I complete my laps easily and run toward Carter. While I'm talking with him I get distracted by the feeling that someone is staring at me. I look around and find the same pair of chocolate-brown eyes I've seen in the hallway, boring into me. I don't back out this time but the girl does when her friend nudges her.

Everyone starts to head towards the showers so Carter and I do the same. I'm still angry because of the situation with my dad and the principle, but the feeling of wanting to punch every living thing in my surroundings has passed a bit. I realize I can't harm these student who have nothing to do with my problems. That just wouldn't be fair to them.

When we're done showering Travis is already waiting for us outside. Without saying anything we walk up to the cafeteria. As we enter all chattering stops, as usual. Everyone is shamelessly staring at us, especially me. Probably because by now the entire school knows I'm not having the best of days. I return the stares and everyone quickly goes back to minding their own damn business.
I'm not hungry, I'm never hungry when I'm angry, so I just pick up a soda from the vending machine and walk up to our regular spot in the corner. I like sitting in the corner, it gives you an overview of the space and you're not in the middle of all the mindless chattering.
While I'm sipping my soda and thinking about how fucked up my life is Travis and Carter are talking about today's race, not paying much attention to me. One thing I like about them is that they know when to give me space. I gaze over the heads of the students till my eyes land on that same girl. She doesn't look like any of the other girls in the school, she's not dressed like an absolute slut in tight, short dresses. She doesn't seem wear mountains of make-up, something I hate. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl that dresses to impress guys. She just wearing a simple pink top and regular jeans. It looks nice. Okay I don't have much knowledge about dressing but she looks different for sure. But why am I checking her out?! God dammit Eric, get a grip!

"So, what are you guys talking about?" I ask Traver and Carter, trying to make some conversation.

"Tonight's race," Travis answers.

"And Friday's party," Carter adds. I don't know anything about this party.

"Who's party?" I ask.

"Randy, the guy's crazy. Who parties every single day?" He replies. And he's right, Randy's completely batt shit crazy. He's a total sucker for parties, girls, sex, drinks. It's the only thing he does nowadays. His parents died of gang related crime, poor guy, occupational hazard I guess. But his parents left him a fortune and he decided to waste it all like this. I don't care though cause his parties are one of the best in the area.

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