Chapter two: The Suprise

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I pull over at Sandy's house, kill the ignition, open my car door and lock it behind me. I walk up to the house and knock on the heavy wooden door. While I'm waiting at the front porch I take a good look around. "This place still looks the same," I think as I'm admire the place I've spent so much time of my childhood.Suddenly the door swings open and I see Philip standing in the frame.

''Hey Philip, good morning," I say as I hug him with a big smile on my face.

''Good morning dear.'' He gestures me to come inside.

''I hope I came at a right time?'' I awkwardly ask as I step past Philip, into the house.

''Yeah, perfect timing. You're just in time for breakfast. Now C'mon, she's in the kitchen.'' He waves as we walk further into the house, towards the kitchen. I notice their house still looks as magnificent as the last time I was here, before we left for Florida. Philip is a brain surgeon so they are freaking loaded.

I come to a halt when I hear a familiar voice, a very familiar voice, the voice of my best friend, Sandy! I see her sitting in the kitchen. She's sitting with her long legs crossed over each other and her perfectly straight back is facing me. She's wearing blue denim shorts with a white shirt and a cropped denim jacket. Her hair is pulled up in a half pony-tail.

''Mom why did you make me my pancakes with whipped cream. You know I only like them with maple syrup...'' Sandy says, arguing with her mother.

I like mine with whipped cream though...

''Because they're not for you, they're for me dummy!'' I yell from behind her, startling the shit out of her. She jumps up and drops the fork she was holding. She tries to regain herself but I can see she is totally flabbergasted. I even see the shine of a couple of tears trying to leave her eyes. She attacks me with a really big, strangling hug. I return the gesture as I wrap my arms tightly around her.

''Oh My God! Bunny, when... how!?'' She gasps. I can understand her confusion. She must have so many questions to ask.

''You're the same as your mother. Cassandra, give the poor girl some space to breathe, ''Philip says, always saving me from his lady's hugs.

''Yeah, right, sorry Bunny, ''Sandy stumbles as she releases me. ''But wait, you two are not even looking the slightest bit surprised...?'' She says to her parents with furrowed eyebrows.

''Actually, your parents already visited me last night. And to answer your first question, we came back yesterday morning. Dad got the opportunity to be transferred back to Oregon so obviously we couldn't say no to that. I told your parents not to tell anything because I wanted to surprise you. '' I say to Sandy in the hope she understands.

''Seriously Bunny, it's the best surprise I've ever had. I'm just so happy that you are back,'' she grins as she gives me another, less lethal hug.

''And to the two of you, it's not fair okay...? You could've given me some kind of hint,'' she says to her parents.

''No honey, our hands were tied,'' Marissa replies.

''And if we had done that we wouldn't have witnessed this heart-warming reunion of yours,'' Philip adds. Which was the actual reason I wanted to surprise her. I wanted the most sincere moment.

''Okay, okay, enough. My pancakes are getting cold,'' I intervene as I take place at the table and start eating.

''Sandy honey, will you please start eating yours too? I don't want us to be late for school,'' I ask her in my most innocent and dainty voice.

''Yeah, yeah...Wait what! You're coming with me? I mean coming with me to my school?'' Sandy screams.

''Yes Sherlock, that's what I meant,'' I reply wittily.

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