Chapter three: shit

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The next class we have is PE. Honestly, I don't like it, I don't like to perform sports at all. I can bear to watch other people play, but it just ain't my cup of tea.
As we are walking towards the sports field Sandy asks me; "So Bunny, how do you like being back here? Would you rather have stayed in Florida?"

"Honestly Sandy, I'm happy that we moved back her. My mom was so excited to go back and now I get to spend time with you again. But you know, I do miss Florida."

"Well, it'll take time to get settled in again I guess. But I'm sure this year is going to be a freaking blast cause we are together again!" Sandy shouts enthusiastically. And I join her with a laugh.

As we approach the sports fields I can already see students messing around with balls and stuff. Seriously, how do these people have the energy for that? We go into the locker rooms and change into our always so amazingly attractive sports uniforms... not. When we walk onto the field I see Mr. Black, our PE teacher for this year. I'm obviously not checking him out or anything, he is my teacher after all, but he is handsome as hell. He's got the body of a professional athlete with his six-five height and his heavily muscled chest, damn fine abs and a jaw line that can cut through glass. Every girl in my class absolutely swoons over him. Nothing has changed about that since freshman year...
Ignoring all the drooling looks of the girls he orders us to stand in a line and shut up. Sandy and I quickly join.

"So class, because it's the first day of school we're gonna take it easy today," Mr. Black says. You can hear everyone sighing with relief.
"All I'm asking from y'all is to run ten laps around the track," he adds with a smirk. Is he kidding us? Ten laps? No way in a hell I'm going to run that much, not with my super bad summer vacation endurance. And with me most of my class because I can hear everyone groaning and complaining.
Mr. Black acts all surprised at our reaction, although he obviously isn't. He rolls his eyes and says; "Okay, Okay, take it easy. Since y'all are such weaklings I make it six laps okay? But no less or there will be consequences. Now move!"

I obviously start out way too fast so now I'm only on my third lap and I'm already out of breath. As I'm sweating and puffing Sandy appears next to me, not even looking slightly tired.
"Still lacking in the PE department I see," she jokes.

"Well, you know my lazy ass," I respond wheezily as I'm doing my best to keep up with her.

"It's unfair how in shape you look considering your lack of physical activity."

"Ha, that's all natural babe! I'm blessed," I somehow manage to get out while flipping my hair with sass. I really got to focus on my running now or I won't make it in time, or at all.

As I'm graciously falling over the finish line for the final time I spot Eric Richardson. First I thank all the gods for helping me make it to the end. Then I take a better look at Eric cause boy, does he look mad. His face is all scrunched up in an angry scowl, murderous almost. He looks like he's about to explode and kill each and every one of us. I hope I don't have to run for my live cause I don't think I can do that anymore. I see Mr. Black walking up to him, brave guy.

"Mr. Richardson!" He shouts, "Thank you for deciding to bless us with your presence." Sarcasm is dripping from his tone. "Would you care to enlighten me as to why you are so late?"

"I was in the principal's office," Eric snaps bitterly at him, clenching his jaw tightly. I can see that he's making fists so hard his knuckles have turned to white.

"Okay, very well. You can join the students who are still running. I want six laps and you better start now because class is almost over. Dismissed!"
Eric's gives Mr. Black a death stare and walks away to start his laps. His hands are still clenched into tight fists. I quickly turn away. I don't want to give him the impression I was listening in on his conversation. That doesn't really sound like a good idea.

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