Chapter 7: Truth of James's arrival

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"Ouch" I yelp in pain.

I knew something like this would happen. I lazily get up from the floor where I have been abruptly kicked by my very best friend Sandy. Did I tell you that she has a very bad habit of moving her legs in sleep? I guess no right. Anyway, no one can change her stupid habit. Its only 6:30, I have enough time. So I push sandy to her side of bed and tuck myself under the warmth of my blanket.

"Cassie, Arielle come on get up sweethearts" and when I was thinking that I'm finally going to get some sleep there is always someone to ruin that

"I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't steal anything?!Please believe me" sandy woke up screaming loudly.

"God why are you screaming?"I yell covering my ears with pillow.

Hearing my voice she looks at me like she has seen something weird. She scans our surrounding like a hawk. "I'm not at the museum?" she asks

"Does this room look like a museum to you?"

"No. thank god it was just a dream" she sighs in relief.

"It was but you ruin my dream of having peace for some minutes. By the way what was you dream about?" I ask removing the pillow from my ears.

"I was in some art museum admiring everything and out of sudden from where I don't know but two to three cops were running toward me. They cuffed my hands and started pulling me toward exit. And they were constantly reporting to someone that they found thief and they are coming to jail. And everyone started to call me thief, like everyone in that museum was yelling screaming at me. I was so terrified Bunny. For a minute I was imagining my life in jail and that was a horrible scenario. You know what I have decided that I'm not going to visit any museum in my life." She starts to babble her dream. And I was trying my hard to control my laugh.

"What a weird dream?!" I say shoving my face in pillow in a way she will not see my unsuccessful attempts to stop my laugh.

"I know right" she says "are you laughing at me ARIELLE YOUNG?" she whines when she see myself hiding with the help of pillow.

I start to laugh because my cover is blown up already so why should I hide my laugh now. She was firing dagger at me.

"It's not funny." She grits through her teeth.

"I'm sorry sorry" I say suppressing my laugh.

"Are you two up or not?" mom asks opening the front door of my room. 'Oh good. You're up already. Go get freshen up quickly I'll make breakfast for you!" and she turns to leave.

"I'm taking my bath first" Sandy says and without waiting for my reply she runs toward bathroom.

Finally now I can spend seven minutes in heaven, like more than seven minutes because as per I know sandy she is going to take long time for her bath.



"God Arielle, get your ass up. Don't be a sleeping beauty. It's already 7 in the clock" I heard frustrated sigh from someone and next thing my source of warmth was roughly pulled away from my side.

"What the hake is everyone's problem?" I open my eyes to yell at her but no words came out from my mouth because she was looking so gorgeous. "Why are you wearing my clothes?"

"Do you forgot I don't have my clothes in your house, so I had to borrow this from your closet" she simply reply meanwhile folding my blanket in proper manner.

"They look good on you even better than me" she is wearing a simple white sweatshirt and a black denim skirt, simple but cool.

"Why thank you my friend."

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