#ModestYouCantSuspendEveryone // ariel

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the tweet on the side i was talking about later on says this, since it won't let me upload it

"do you ever just sit there and wonder that WHAT IF Larry isn't REALLY real like Louis IS really inlove with Eleanor but cant show it in public because she WILL get hate, or that Harry and Louis' friendship IS being destroyed by this rumor and that Modest is ONLY TRYING to help them by doing what theyre doing now?!

Have you ever thought of it that way?!" - twitter user 'unicorharry'

okay so this has been trending all day, and i'd like to discuss it

i have two points of views on this so lets start


so lets start with modest

modest is being a huge prick right now

like, you banned larry accounts?? like wtf does that do??? you're not gonna stop people from shipping them and you're giving larry shippers more of a reason to think larry is real like really.

and the larry shippers are freaking the living fuck out like jesus


but my other point is that i do believe elounor is real.

eleanor is a extremely nice girl who doesn't deserve all the hate larry/louis-girls are giving her like really.

but really what did eleanor ever do to you???

'she took louis away from me/harry!' 

oh shut the hell up.


louis isn't your property, you do not own him, he can simply do whatever the fuck he pleases whether the fandom doesn't agree with it for the soul reason of 'larry!'

like seriously.


i have a lot of opinions on this but heres another

i really hella like the picture on the side because this is something a lot of larry shippers don't think about.

i mean, larry could/couldn't be real but let's talk about it

like, in the beginning of 1D, four years ago, louis and harry do anything they pleased with each other because larry shippers weren't bat shit crazy right then.

but, as the years progressed, the band got bigger, and like in bubblegum bitch said, the obsessed fangirls joined in and ruined larry for all the shippers.

they put a brand on the larry ship name and made it seem like they were a bunch of crazy preteen girls who thought louis hated eleanor but had to hide his love from harry.

like seriously?

i can get behind larry as a friendship, but not as a romance, because louis is happy with eleanor like what does it take you to see that????

and even if louis and harry were gay, i could imagine our fandom would go shit crazy over this.

so, let's go into a sinario where larry did come out.


so, twitter would be goin fucking ape shit.

all of the twitter trends would be something like this











like so like really

notice how the second-top trend was #eleanordie

like serious.

larry shippers would do this to a innocent girl.

so, you know what?

maybe larry is real.

there, i said it.

but, if larry was real, here is my offical opinion


so, larry shippers, you want larry to come out?


no, you don't start from fuckin twitter riot about modest hiding some shit, THIS IS WHAT YOU DO TO GET LARRY FOR REAL.

1. calm the fuck down.

like really

im sure if larry was real larry wants to come out, but they cant CAUSE THE FANDOM WILL GO BAT SHIT CRAZY AND TELL ELEANOR TO KILL HERSELF MORE THAN THEY DO NOW.

2. give larry a break

larry has been run and run for over 4 years now, and it just needs to chill

stop twitter trending larry, stop giving hate to eleanor and anyone harry dates in the future for 'hiding' larry.

like that is exactly what modest needs to push forward to 'hide' larry.

3. don't be little cry babies

oh? louis and eleanor went out to eat?


seriously? if eleanour is a serious relationship, im sure louis would love to take his girlfriend out for dinner sometime, BUT HE CANT CAUSE LARRY SHIPPERS WILL GO BATSHIT

like hell.

if louis is even a foot away from harry, the larry shippers go crazy, trending


but oh god, if eleanor and louis are standing a footaway, so eleanor doesn't get hate and recongized, larry shippers will trend


like seriously!

4. chill

i know i've said this so many times BUT I WILL SAY IT AGAIN


just stop tell louis and harry to go and 'come out,' to the fandom.

do you think you'll all be that accepting?

like, seriously?

so many other ships would go bat-shit.

larry would be telling eleanor she's scum, and trending so much shit to make eleanor feel upset.

like really???

if the larry ship was calmed the fuck down LARRY MIGHT COME OUT

just give larry a break, okay?

no trending, no talking about it, DON'T EVEN MENTION IT.

(it's social sucide)

because THIS MAKES MODEST WANT TO FORCE 'eleanour' even more.

again, no offense to larry shippers, eleanour shippers, or whatever-the-hell-shipper you are

just chill with the ships.



like if larry is real, and larry shippers send eleanor hate, THIS WILL MAKE MODEST FREAKING WANT TO PUSH TO MAKE EVERYONE BELIEVE ELEANOUR IS REAL.






god bless

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