misconseptions about people with dyed hair // kim

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okay so im rlly tired of my mom's attitude towards people with dyed hair

so mom, i know you will never ever see this, but here is a list so all of my readers don't confuse people with dyed hair like my mom does

1) no, we are not all holligans

okay so can you not??? if you think people with dyed hair and teenagers running around trying to kill someone, you're wrong.

im a straight a student, i just want to dye my hair. i like the different colors and possibilities, but my mom doesn't.

that's fine and all, she doesn't have to support my decision, but when you start saying that because im dyeing my hair, my grades are going to drop, you are extremely extremely wrong.

because why does it effect my grades???

i've always loved hair dye, and i've been able to maintain my grades.

my parents would never ever let me do anything if they knew for a 100% fact that it was going to drop my grades

b) we're all kids

i will admit, i am a teenager, dyeing my hair. but you can see middle-aged women dying their hair red and no one is complaining????

like, i bet i could've dyed my hair brunette and my mom couldn't say a single thing because she dyes her hair brunette b/c she is a natural blonde. you can be a hippocrite so can you not

look im not hating on my mother

i love her a lot

but she needs to realize people with dyed hair aren't teenage idiots

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