"it's not 5 es oh es!" // wendy

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ive ranted about this but here i am again to be a bitch about it


im reading a 5sos joke/story book whatever and one of the chapters is like the main girl telling someone off for saying, '5 es oh es' instead of '5sauce'

and like really???

yeah im totally not in the fandom for thinking 5 es oh es sounds better and how 5sauce reminds me of 5 plates of spagetti

so let me say something to everyone saying this

pronouce the 5sos band name however you damn well please

because no one should give a shit


and if you do give a shit, why???

because its how they say to pronouce it??

they're telling you 'yeah, it's the way we pronouce it.' but you are no way inclinded to pronouce 5sos the same way the band says it.

and since some of the fans pronouce 5sos 5 es oh es, i guess they're not apart of the fandom, huh?

let's forget about all the people who do it because its cool, or because their friends like it!


i love the boys, and i believe they're all little perfect angels, and i feel like as a member of the 5sos fandom, i have the right to pronouce anything the way i please without some girl in the fandom bitching at me for saying 5 es oh es instead of 5sauce.

have a lovely day x

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