A flashback

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A/N: This is a flashback to 10 years prior to this event!!! Your character is around 6 (making her sixteen) but you can use your real age if you want, ex. You are 20, therefore your character is 10. Happy reading!

You smiled over to Lance. 

 "Lanceeeee!!!! I can't wait to go to school for the first twime!" You skipped around him in a circle. You stopped in front of his face. 

 "Laannnccceeee!!! I'm so so so much taller than you!!" You and your best friend broke out in giggles, seeing as you were around 2 inches taller. You had no idea why this was so funny, it just was. After laughing until both of your stomachs hurt, Lance turned to look at you.

 " (y/n) if I get taller than you, we have to kiss!!! " He exclaimed. You made a face, then began to laugh again.

 "Okay silly! But I'll always be taller and boys will always always always have cooties!!" Lance smiled his toothy grin and pulled you close into a bear hug.

 " Laaannccceee!!!! I can't breathe!! " You looked into his ocean blue eyes and he looks into your (e/c) ones with the same look of happiness. 

 "I love you (y/n)!!!" He shouts, taking you into the freshly cut grass with him. 

 " I love you too Lancey Lance!! "You both stop as You hear his mom call him inside. 

" Bye Lancey Lance!! " You call out to your best friend.

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