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While Keith and Lance were busy, you decided it would be a great time to catch up with Hunk, seeing as it had been a while since you two had really gotten to talk, alone heart to heart. You began to look through the trees for him, knowing he had to be here somewhere. You had heard him arguing with Lance. Granted, you had no clue how long ago that was but may as well try. You ended up finding him whistling a little tune by the lake, fishing. He looked so at ease it was going to pain you to interrupt him. 

"Hey Hunk." He jumped in shock and whipped around to face you. As soon as he saw it was only you, he relaxed. 

"Hey (y/n). You look much better." He smiled then turned his concerntration back to his original task . You could tell he wasn't in the mood to talk but you didn't care. He was going to listen to you whether he liked it or not.

"Hunk. We need to talk. About you." You sat down next to him on the riverbank. The water glittered in the blistering sunlight. You stuck your feet in, letting the cool ripples flow over your legs.

"What do you mean?" He set his rod down on the grass and leaned back, closing his eyes. You didn't want to do this. This conversation pained you every time. But it had to happen. Every time. 

"You seem out of it recently. What's up?" Mentally, you took note of his profile. From the gentle crease in his brows to the way the sun shone upon his lips, casting a shadow. You had to admit, he looked stunning. However, that wasn't the point of this. 

"I guess I've just been feeling left behind recently. And Pidge being lost is stressing me out. They're my best friend. Well one of them but still. I love them and they are hopelessly lost." You smiled weakly. So they still hasn't found Pidge. They had probably started their own country by now, but it was worrying. And you missed them. 

"Well, when I missed something, my old caretaker had me list beautiful things about that item, or person in this case, so I would miss it less." Hunk perked up, lifting himself off of the dirt covered ground. He wiped his hands on his pants. The red clay left stains but Hunk didn't seem to mind.

"I'll start", he added glefully.

"I miss Pidge's way of words." You nodded slowly. He was right. Your vocabulary was decreasing without them around.

"I miss Pidge's warm hugs." You smiled remembering the thought of their arms barely surrounding your body. It was adorable just like them. Gosh, that was off track. No distractions right now, only focusing. Hunk gave you a look of knowing and probably agreeance but you couldn't tell.

"I miss Pidge's..... smile. Like the world lights up with one simple emotion displayed upon her face." 

"You're good at describing things." You said, jokingly. He laughed gently, almost as if he didn't have any cares right now. 

"You know (y/n) I believe it's possible for you to poke fun at anyone and still love them. And they couldn't hate you because you use such caring tones and delicate words. I think if anyone's good at tone it's you." Hunk beamed at you and you felt your face heat up. Nobody ever complimented you like this. 

"Hunk may I transfer some of my feelings to you?" He looked startled but then agreed. You placed your hands on his cheeks and turned his head to face yours. Slowly, you met your two foreheads. With a gentle push of your powers the emotions began to flow through him. You could feel it draining from your body like a trickle of water. He gasped and you let go in a panicked fashion.

"Oh hunk! That may have been too much are you okay?" You began fussing over every small detail over the poor boy. He gently moved you off of his body, stating that he was fine.

"But... I felt something. A love and I don't mean a mutual one. Like romance." You blushed heavily. What could he be talking about? You didn't feel that emotion so how could he? 

"For who? Or what?" 

"It's a who, trust me. I can't feel exactly who yet though." He closed his eyes, concentrating heavily on this one thing. It didn't even matter very much to you.

"It's.. Pidge?"

A/N: HELLLLOOOO my lovelies!!!!!! I'm going to be doing a little bit of promotion for myself in this chapter because why not? Amiright?!?! 😂 anywAYS, I am writing a new story that has nothing to do with this one (sorry!) but it is a story based off of ocs of mine! I will put the description below. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Get some sleep and ace every test, or if you have no tests just do your very best! I wish the most amazing life for you all!!!

Description of story: 

Oscar Keller lives a normal tennage life. He has crushes that come and go, he has friends, he's been to parties. Content with life and not wanting any change, he lives on. For him, its all fun and games until he gets a new neighbor

Oliver Trenton has a secret. And it's not small. When he moves in to his new neighborhood he is determined to let nobody know his secret. But some walls are easier to break than others. 

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