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"What?!?" You wanted to do a victory dance. You'd been waiting what seemed like forever to go back. While a lot of stuff happened and 6 months had passed, home seemed so close to your reach, it was almost too perfect. 

"It'll be hard, no doubt about that. Risky too, but i'm sure this will be worth it!" You smiled at Pidge's determination. No doubt about it, they'd find a way to get you home. To get everyone home. And the more you thought about it, you realized that you just called the castle home. the place you used to hate so long ago was now your home. These people were the family you never asked for. What happened here was truly beautiful. 

Keith and Lance came back, looking considerably better, but completely lighting up when Pidge told them the good news. Lance ran around for 15 minutes screaming about how they should have a party until Keith shoved him into a lake. That shut him up. You chuckled to yourself as Lance dragged Keith in with him. Good to know they were back to their usual selves. 

"(Y/N) can I talk to you for a quick minute?" You turned to see Shiro, looking quite happily at the other paladins. You could tell he was judging them as they were supposed to save the universe. 

"Sure, why not." You smiled at him and he returned the gesture. After 2 days in the forest together with nobody else, your bond with the black paladin had grown stronger than ever before. He was nothing like you'd imagined, but everything he needed to be. 

"(Y/N), the locals nearby said we won't be able to stay here long. Zarkon may have found us, and we are nowhere near ready to fight him. We don't have our lions, or our armor! We need to get Pidge or anyone else that could possibly help to do it as quickly as possible, or our lives and Alluras and Corans could be in grave danger." You gulped down the sudden fear his words gave you and remembered what being part of Voltron meant. It meant the fate of the universe rested in the 6 paladins palms. 

"I don't know why, but i have a bad feeling about our future, and i've learned from time that my bad feelings are normally correct. We need to get out of here as soon as possible." Shiro nodded at your statement. He walked off to where everyone else was and broke the news to them, Pidge jumped up and dragged you with them, probably to help make this machine as quick as possible. 

"This can be done quickly if i have an extra set of hands." they grumbled, upset that Shiro ruined the upbeat mood. You didn't blame him though and you could tell Pidge didn't either. He was just doing what he thought was best for the team. 

"Pidge what if this doesn't work?"

"Then you hold onto something and pray for God's forgiveness."

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