The Lost and The Lonely

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You and Pidge were doing quite well. The moment you and Pidge has returned, you were greeted with huge hugs from both Hunk and Lance. They ended up throwing a huge party, if you could have one in the middle of nowhere. Shiro had decided to take Pidge and figure out how to get back to the castle, while you, Lance, Keith, and Hunk just socialized. 

"So, are you and Lance a thing yet Keith??" The red paladins face flushed the color of his jacket. 

"Uh- i don't know... We've talked about it a lot recently, and our affection to each other is definitely growing. But i don't think we'll ever become a thing. Too much commitment for Lance.." Hunk glanced at you as your face twisted with rage.

"WHAT THE HECK LANCE?!?! YOU'RE AFRAID OF LOVING SOMEONE LIKE KEITH AREN'T YOU!! I'M SORRY HE HAPPENS TO BE A GENDER YOU AREN'T USED TO! GET OVER IT. HES BETTER THAN ANY OF YOUR FEMALE PLAY TOYS. WAY BETTER!!" Lance was sweating at this point, trembling because of your snap. Keith grabbed his hand to calm him down, and Lance rolled into his shoulder. 

"i love keith enough to know that i would kill him if we dated." he mumbled into the crook between Keith's shoulder and neck. You stood there, shocked by the cuban boy's words. He had never been afraid to love. In fact, most times he was way too eager. He ran in blindly not seeing the abusive you and of the other person. But now he saw his own abusive ways. he emotionally twisted people around. Made them love him to ditch them. and he couldn't bring himself to do it to Keith. 

"Lance, i didn't realize.." the words could barely come out of your mouth. you'd hurt him. and you felt like you let the world down. Lance closed his eyes and smiled. Keith looked up at you with extreme worry in his eyes.

"nobody ever does (y/n). i don't blame you. But my family isn't okay with me dating a guy yet. They barely accept me for being bi..." Keith shoved Lance off of him. Lance's eyes widened in shock.

"Lance, we are your family!! and we accept you for whoever you are. so don't be afraid to be bi!! i'm gay-"

"WHAT" Lance jumper to his feet in an instant. You winced as Keith's mouth hung open.

"i did not just say that..." Keith ran away in the bushes, Lance following hot on his trail.

"so, those two will be fine, right?" Hunk leaned back, surprisingly calm after what had just happened. 

"yeah i guess so. should we check on Shiro and Pidge??" Hunk nodded, and helped you up from the ground. The walk back was uneventful. You just talked Hunk's whole ear off, while he added things in once in a while. 

"(y/n)!!!!" Pidge jumped into your arms the minutes you came into view.

"Hey Pidge! what's up?" 

"we figured it out! we can go back..!!!"

AN: hey guys, it's been a while and i'm so sorry. school got in my way. i hope to have a constant update status now, seeing as it's summer vacation for me. This story and Not Who You Think will be updated every Tuesday and Saturday, on a constant basis until 2 weeks into July. i will be on a trip to Hawaii, so i won't be here and that will be my break. love you bunches!!! 

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