Halloween part 3

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The red and orange leaves crunched underneath your feet. It felt as if hours had passed and it appeared that the sun was going down. All you wanted in this moment was hot chocolate and a hug from someone. The bitter air pierced through your clothing. You had recently noticed how thin the fabric was. Shiro has been mostly silent the whole time and you didn't think it was very fun walking whilst freezing, in silence. But he seemed lost in thought and so you just left him alone. You would've wanted the same thing so why bother. 

"Hey, (y/n) are you hungry?" Before you could respond, your stomach did for you. Shiro smiles for the first time in two hours and you felt quite accomplished. 

"Well I guess we could get some food...." shiro trailed off and you nodded eagerly, as you ate a lot anyways and food is your best friend. You jogged ahead catch up with shiro, hitching up your skirts as you ran. 

"Shiro! Slow down!" You  called after the muscular man, but he made no sign of stopping. You picked up your pace, practically sprinting at this point. He still didn't slow and your foot snagged  on a root from one of the trees surrounding you. The sky was a dark blue and you could feel the scratch on your knee. You began to feel the hot tears spring into your eyes. Now was no time for crying, you told yourself. Still, the looming thought of crying remained. This day had been the worst for you in a while. You decided to take a break, your breathing had sped up since you sprinted after shiro. You hadn't seen him since he left you alone. Thinking about him leaving you dropped your self esteem. What if you were annoying, you were clearly worthless to him, doesn't that mean you were worthless to everyone as well? You let the tears fall down your face. Just then, a strong arm wrapped itself around you, panicking you did the first thing your instincts told you to do, which was punch.

"Ow! C'mon (y/n) that hurt!"

"Shiro??? But you left me?" 

"Yeah I dunno what came over me, I'm so sorry. I found food though." Yow decided to forgive shiro and pulled him into a hug. Whatever controlled him, clearly was a danger because shiro would never actually do that. You two held the embrace for about two minutes. Warmth radiated off of him and since you were cold, it was a nice change. 



"Can you let go?"

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" You felt your face flush and quickly pulled away. Shiro handed you some berries, which seemed edible. You took a bite and the fruit immediately exploded with flavor. It tasted like raspberries and blackberries. Not to mention it was probably 5 times better because you were starving. You ate quickly, and you ate a lot. Shiro seemed shocked that such a big amount of food could fit inside such a smol body. 

"Well, the sun is set and judging by the position of the moon it's around 1 am. Let's get some sleep." You yawned in agreeance and laid your head on his chest as he pulled you in for warmth. You drifted off into a deep sleep listening to shiro hum.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~  ~

You woke to see that shiro had disappeared. Your first thought was 'oh no not again'. You rubbed your eyes and stood up, staggering over to a bush to relieve yourself. After doing so, you wiped with a leaf. You learned the hard way that a leaf isn't the most comfortable thing in the world to wipe with. 

"Hey! (Y/n)!! Where are you!" Your head jerked up and you raced out of the bushes.

"Right here shiro!!" You waves frantically as he walked over.

"What is it?"

"I think I found hunk!"

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