Part ????? I lost track

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You felt your jaw drop open. No way could it be the Christmas season already!! It had just been Halloween.

"Hunk! How do you know? It's only been two days!! There's no way! Haha nice prank you really got me!" You felt yourself begin to ramble, as the sudden thought of being gone for two months crept into your head. Were people wondering where you were??? Did they even care? Where did Lance and Keith go? Or Allura? Coran? You began to sweat just thinking about what was happening to you.

"I'm sure. Time passes quickly here. One day is the equivalence to one month, which is why the first day seemed so much longer than 24 hours. Hey (y/n) are you okay? You look a little pale." You let your head drop. 2 months without anyone but Shiro. 2 months since you'd seen Lance. What if he was dead? What if he had found Keith and they were going in endless circles looking for you, Shiro, and Hunk. To be honest, you weren't worried for Pidge. They could thrive anywhere they wanted to if they put their mind to it. Shiro places his hand on your shoulder, obviously trying to reassure you.

"I think it may be wise to waste as little time as possible and begin to find the other paladins." He looked all business, but also softened by you. It wasn't everyday someone he knew figured out how long they had been separated from their best friend for. All you wanted was to see Lances smile, be surrounded by his arms as he pulled you close, you wanted to hear his rough voice tell you to calm down at 3 am. You felt tears well up in your eyes. What was wrong with you? Ever since you had joined Voltron you grew soft, cries more and fought less. The walls you had spent so long building up were torn down slowly by an unknown force. This wasn't right, so why did it feel like it was? As your thoughts dragged you further into the abyss, you felt a distant person call out to you, almost in fear. Then your world gradually grew dark.

-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -

"Is she going to be okay?"

"I don't know."

"How don't you know?? It's a yes or no Hunk! Tell me she's going to be okay!"

"You're getting too worked up, calm down."

"My best friend is unconscious and you expect me to be CALM?!?! What kind of world do you live in!" You slowly fluttered your eyelids open. You were greeted with bright rays of sunshine blinding you.

"Ow." You muttered, rubbing your (eye color) eyes with the palm of your hand. You vaguely remembered hearing those two people arguing intensely. Well, it was more one screaming and the other calmly replying. You propped yourself up on your elbows, glancing around the area. The sky was a crystal blue and the grass was almost too green. You were laying on a bigger rock with a forest in the distance. Your outfit remained the same (favorite color) dress, only the bottom half had been sliced off perfectly, leaving you in a short dress. Oddly enough, the whole situation seemed so serene almost as if you were living in a dream. 

"(Y/n) ? Are you awake?" You turned your body around to see Keith cautiously approaching you, almost like he would a stray puppy.

"Yeah. Physically at least. Mentally I'm always asleep." He chuckled at your statement and relaxed a little bit. 

"You've been out cold for 1 of our days, a month in the real world obviously. Lance and I have been worried sick about you. Speaking of which I should go get him. He refused to leave your side for the first hour .." Keith's thought trailed off as he saw the Cuban boy coming over a hill.

"Lance! Hey! I was uh just about to get you. Yeah.." you smiled at Keith's stuttering and crimson face. Lance was too blind to see that and rushed past him and over to you. He crushed you in a hug, nuzzling his face in your neck. You held him tightly to your body, soaking in the feeling of warmth and happiness he radiated.

"You're awake!" You saw tears spill down his smiling face.

"Oh Lance honey, don't cry." You beamed and wiped his tears away with your finger, so they wouldn't stain his cheeks. He pulled you into a hug again, lightly this time like you were a broken toy. Which technically, you were broken but that didn't matter.  

"Lance may I speak with you?" Keith said, clearing his throat slightly. Lance let go of you again and winked at you. His other eye sparkled with joy.

"Yeah sure Mullet. What do you need?"

"Lance I don't know how to say this but..."

"Huh? What's up? You sound worried." Lances face twisted in confusion.

"Lance I-I ITHINKILIKEYOU." Keith let out his breath as Lance struggled to take apart the sentence.

"You like what now?"

"You. I like you. Gosh, I knew I was being stupid." Keith ran his fingers through his raven hair, distressed. Your mouth hung open. Never in a million years did you think he would confess.

"I'm not good with feelings so I figured why not tell you. I have nothing else to lose. Besides maybe your friendship, your trust, you in general. But I can take it I promise. Heartbreak shouldn't be too hard!" He added cheerfully. Lance turned to face him, blushing madly. 

"Say something Lance, please." Keith was practically begging to be rejected, which broke your heart in two pieces. This wasn't right. But instead of talking, the blue paladin launched himself into the red one and whispered in his ear seductively.

"Hey red how about we go somewhere private and make purple?" You giggled as Keith's face turned tomato red. Lance smirked and began to kiss Keith. You whistled and strolled out, leaving them to do what they had wanted to do for so long. Sure, this has been a crazy 3 months for you but nobody in the world, not even you, would change what had happened.

A/N: HEyYyYyyy im baCk!!!!! School is killing me slowly, as I take 3 high school courses in 8th grade (so much fun. h E LP) somehow I'm managing though!! I'm also in a musical so I can't write after school but here we are with a new chapter at like 10 PM 😂. I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone supporting and we are at 10k READS IM GIDDY  THANK YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH!!!!! Anyways, I hope you all have an amazing day/night and I love you all with all my heart! Baiiii 💙❤️

P.S. who else got snow because I sure did!!!

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