Halloween or should I say, Christmas part 4

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You felt all of your features light up with happiness. Shiro found hunk. The hunk who gave you hugs when you were upset, the hunk that baked with you all the time, the hunk that took time of out of his training schedule to decorate the castle with you.

"Where is he?!?!" You felt like flying, shiro looked shocked, probably because you hadn't exhibited any kind of emotion for the last two days.  He began to walk off into the bushes and you followed him, bouncing around like a five year old again. He pulled aside vines that appeared to be like a door and gestures you in. You walked in, amazed with what you were seeing. Fresh flowers were growing everywhere and the sun was beaming in through the leaves from up above your head. However, the best part of the whole campsite was the river that ran through it. The water was crystal clear and looked perfect for drinking. You were so caught up in the beauty of the place that you didn't even realize that shiro had been standing next to you. You turned to face him, still quite baffled by this mysterious place.

"He lives here?" Shiro nodded and led you over to a little area surrounded by the thick woods. Hunk sat smack in the middle, whistling while cooking something that smelled delicious over a fire. He looked at ease. You and shiro shared the look that you were afraid of. You couldn't break his concentration right now and you didn't want to  scare him. All you could do was hope for the best.

"Hey shiro Im going to go over to the lake to wash up... don't let anyone else walk over." He nodded and you pushed through the botany once more. You looked at your reflection in the clear water and you immediately were stunned. Your hair looked fine, beautiful almost. Even though it was torn, the dress brought out your curves in the best way possible. Your nails weren't even dirty! You decided a bath couldn't hurt anyways and stripped down. The cold water ran over your skin and felt so good on some of the bruises and scratches. 

*bathe you heathen. I dunno how to describe a person bathing? Anyways back to the story!*

After around thirty minutes, you were finally satisfied with the red tint of your skin from scrubbing. All of the dirt had washed off and once you stepped out your hair dried into waves immediately. You pulled the fabric over your head once more and decided it was time to find shiro. He stood where you left him, but hunk was now with him. You glanced over at him, hoping one of them would notice, but hunks back was turned to you and shiro was immersed in the conversation. You waved frantically and finally shiro caught on.

"Hunk! I have (y/n) with me as well!" Hunk whipped around and you stood, smirking with your hands on your hips.

"It's about time you two noticed me." Hunk pulled you close, into a bone crushing hug.

"I feel like it's been so long since I've seen you!!"

"Hunk it's been two days!"

"What?" You nodded at him. He looked worried.

"(Y/n) it's been two months. Christmas is coming..."

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