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Valentine's day was probably one of the worst things in the history of humanity.

As far as Louis' concerned it's just a shitty holiday for everyone to flaunt how in love you are and be disgusting about it. To rub it in that you've found your someone while the single one's got nothing. Not that Louis cared, because he doesn't.

He'd rather shoot himself in the foot than partake in this unfortunate holiday. He doesn't need flowers or a box of chocolates to make himself feel valued. He sure as hell didn't need to have someone write sonnets about him or make stupid mixtapes declaring their love for him.

The upsides to this all is the fact he usually got away with spending his night at the pub. Downing a lite beer and keeping Niall company while he tends to the other lonely souls. It's been like that for a few years now, the same old routine.

However, this year Louis' plans were different...

It involved him going to Panoramic 34 to have dinner with Sean. Which Louis didn't get how the hell his ex-boyfriend only had one evening to squeeze in dinner, which apparently fell on the cringiest holiday of the year. They're going to look like a couple celebrating the festivities, and Louis felt uneasy. Not that he shouldn't because for one, that place wasn't cheap and he feels guilty Sean told him it's on him. Second, the last time he's actually seen Sean (in the flesh) was three years ago. It was a few weeks after they'd broken up and Sean came with flowers and asking for another chance because Louis ignored his messages. Louis told him to fuck off and slammed the door in his face before he broke down into tears. Because it still hurt and just couldn't trust him anymore.

Which was why not it was odd he even agreed to this stupid dinner in the first place. But maybe, if he had closure, it'll help him bury the past. Hopefully, that was what this was.

It'd be a lie to say he wasn't nervous. Of course, he was because any person that's meeting with an ex-lover would. Especially if that someone used to be so important to you. It just he doesn't know what to expect and how things will go. If Sean will think poorly of him because he still had the dead-end job at the same old coffee shop. How he's been single ever since they 've been apart and still doesn't own a car. That he always wears the same clothes he used to squeeze himself into while they were together.

Louis knew he shouldn't give two shit what Sean though. It's not like he wanted to impress his ex-boyfriend or anything, but still. Telling anyone that used to be in your life that you haven't changed is kind of daunting, especially when you've told this person all these life goals you had when you were together.

Sean knew Louis had always wanted to travel the world and adopt a puppy. That he's always wanted to get a tattoo on his ankle and go scuba diving. Skydiving, mountain climbing, and all that adventurous shit he's never done before. Sadly, Louis never gotten a dog or traveled any farther than Doncaster. He doesn't have ink on him nor had he done any adventurous stuff. All he had going for him is that he's three years older and tragically in love with his best mate.

So sue him for feeling this way and what probably didn't help was the fact he hadn't told anyone. Not that they should care to know because it's none of their business and Louis just didn't want to deal with the backlash. Besides, it's just a one time thing...

That's what Louis had been telling himself for majority of the day. His shift at the coffee house passing in a blur and coming home to an empty flat. Louis talked himself down and said it's nothing more than a meet up, it was definitely not a date. Even when he hoped in the shower to rinse away the java stench and scrubbed at his hair. They're going to have a nice meal, and Sean is going to say whatever is on the top of his tongue. Louis hoped maybe Sean suddenly had plans come up as time grew closer when he dried his hair and wore his nicest clothes. After all, Sean did mention something about the fine dining, so Louis wasn't going to be the fucking elephant in the room, thank you very much.

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