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Three months later

This time last year I was miserable. Thinking that I was stuck being in an endless cycle of the same old bullshit as the years before. That 2018 meant twelve more months of my heart getting broken all over again. I'd still be working at a coffee shop that I'd been at since uni and going out most nights to escape the inevitable heartache. Wondering when I'd finally be happy.

Funny how things can turn around in a blink of an eye and that I can actually enjoy the festivities tonight. No longer have to put up a front that I'm okay and not falling apart. Spending time with my closest mates who I love dearly and ringing in the new year like I should've always done. I'm not leaving this time.

Because I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.


When Louis tapped the post button he felt satisfied and happy that he could share that with his most loyal followers. Mutuals that had stuck around this long even if he'd gone through periods of taking hiatuses every so often. Glad they could see that Louis hadn't abandoned his blog entirely.

Oh god, no.

Bluevelvet was still and will always be his baby, his place where he could vent or express himself. No longer having to worry about someone trying to get dirt on him or make his life hell. It took him a while to feel comfortable again with his Tumblr, but everything's good now.

Someone was pounding on the bathroom door. "Lou! I need to talk to you." Liam shouted from the other side of the door.

Great, what could Liam possibly want now?

Louis sighed, pocketing his phone as he pushed himself away from the sink and then opened the door. "What, Liam?"

His mate huffed, not even uttering out words or giving Louis time to protest because he grabbed Louis' wrist and dragged him away. Seemed as if Niall and Liam had something in common because clearly dragging around Louis like a rag doll seemed to be their favourite pastime.

They bypassed the crowd and Louis was led into Zayn and Liam's bedroom, the door kicked shut behind them.

But they weren't alone, Niall, Donovan, and Harry were there too.

What the hell was going on?

"Okay lads I've got to make this quick before Zayn suspects anything," Liam started to say as he finally let go of Louis' wrist. "Just you've got to promise me you won't say anything, not even a word. "

Louis, of course, was naturally curious and wondered what got his friend so up in arms about whatever it was he was hiding from his boyfriend.

"Of course, you've got our word, Li." Niall promised, sounding sincere as he sat on the bed next to Donovan. The rest of them nodding to that to show Liam they could be trusted with whatever it was.

The corners of Louis' lips started to quirk upward when he felt weight against the small of his back. Harry was right beside him now, not breaking his touch.

Liam blew out a short breath and glanced back at the door for a moment. He seemed anxious.

"Well... get on with it." Louis encouraged, already starting to feel eager for whatever was about to leave his friends mouth.

Liam had this warm glow in his eyes as he stared back at them quietly for a moment. "I've been thinking of doing this for well around a year now, contemplating if Zayn would even want it," Liam started to explain, his voice slightly higher than normal. "I mean... I hope he does because I can't picture it any other way and I just wanted to give my best to him. Make a promise to him that I'm not going anywhere even when times are tough. "

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