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"I promise I'm okay." Louis told his mum, folding one of his shirts before setting in his holdall.

He hadn't told Jay specifically the reason why he decided to come stay for the weekend. Not because he didn't want to say, but he's been so busy catching up with his family. Spending time with the girls and listening to their boy problems. Being well fed by his mother who decided to have a warm meal on the table when he'd arrived. Who also brought up that Kathy (he fellow colleague) has a son and he's a dental assistant. And yet, Louis had successfully dodged another of Jay's date set up by saying he was happily single before changing the subject onto something else.

As much as he loved his mother to death and appreciate her help, but sometimes she was a bit overbearing.

But nonetheless, Louis had enjoyed his stay where he didn't have to think too much about Sean or Harry.

Except now that Johannah wanted to ask questions an hour before he heads to the train station. Not that Louis could blame her, after all, he doesn't just come home on a whim unless it was holidays or needed something.

So, he'd been waiting for that moment all through the weekend, and apparently now was the right time.

"Did something happen at work?" Jay proceeded to figure out Louis' motives, sitting on his bed watching him pack.

"Other then the fact I hate working there, things are fine, mum." Louis commented as he continued to pack his clothes away, doing his best not stare at the questionable look on his mother's face.

"Did you get into a disagreement with Niall or Harry?"


"Does this have to do anything with a guy?" Jay asked carefully.

Louis nearly froze up at those words when he was in the middle of folding his trousers because this wasa boy problem. Two of the most stressful issues of his life that were tearing him apart.

"Umm," Louis glanced at his mum, swallowing. Trying to find his words because what the fuck does he even say?

That he was devastated over the fact Harry was taking a big step with Ellie? That he wished he could get rid of these feelings for his friend? That Sean wants back into his life?

He was at a loss for words. Louis wanted to spill his heart out to his mum, don't get him wrong. It was just... he couldn't tell her everything. The downfall of it all was the fact she was longtime best friends with Harry's mum, and they talked all the time. Louis trusted him mum, he did, but sometimes she could get carried away and slip up some of Louis' private matters. Because the last thing Louis needs right now is for Harry to catch any wind of it.

Jay looked at him for a second before starting up again. "What happened, sweetheart?"

Louis gnawed on his lip, dropping his jeans from his hands and took a calming breath. He just hoped his mum would keep this to herself.

"I went to dinner with Sean, Wednesday." Louis murmured, his fingers fiddling with the edge of his long sleeved top, trying to pull them down as far as he could to cover his hands.

Jay raised her brows, probably not expecting that to leave her son's mouth after everything he'd went through.

"And how did that go?"

Louis thought back to the dinner, and his heart panged at the bittersweet memory. "He said he missed me and wanted to be in touch again."

"Have you been talking to him since?"

"Only a few times when he's texted, but I just... I don't know if I'm making a mistake."

Jay frowned, thinking for a moment. "Do you miss him?"

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