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For the next month, Louis spent his days meeting up on his off time trying to make this birthday extravaganza a thing. Niall better fucking love him to the moon and back, because it's not been easy. Not on anyone. Zayn and Liam being the bossiest bastards and taking over most of the duties while being micromanagers about it. Telling Louis to call potential venues and bakeries for a decent cake. Send out invites to friends and family. Then there was Donovan who he'd been helping trying to come up with a wonderful gift for Nialler. Louis may or may not had suggested that he should take Niall to a concert or a sports game, just doing anything he could to make them spend time together.

Niall may be adamant on the whole taking things slow bullshit, but Louis would be damned if he didn't help them out.

It's just disappointing that the fake relationship his mate had been playing up hadn't ended yet.

And Louis wished in some way he could figure how to even rid of it entirely without making Niall look bad. Last thing he wants to happen is for his friend to finally get the guy, only to lose him because of one shitty lie. Sure he sent flowers to his own self and went on a trip with a pretend boy, but still. Either Donovan would be angry in the end or completely understandable of it all.

When that day comes, Louis was going to prepared.

On the other side of things that had happened, he finally gotten his confidence back to actually blog. No longer worried that he'd be blackmailed and watched under a close eye. Hopefully, Ellie was off with a new beau somewhere that wasn't Liverpool. Glasgow, preferably.

But Ellie's nothing more than a toxic thought that Louis had rid his mind of since she lost it all.

So, that's what he'd been doing for the past hour and a half, lounging on the sofa, Season 4 of The Mindy Project playing in the background, and sipping on tea. He had the place to himself, Harry was with Zayn keeping him company while Liam was at work, then Niall he's off bartending. So it was a lonesome night for Louis. He could've tagged along with Harry or go down to the pub, but he needed some alone time.

Not like he didn't have plans to pester Harry when he gets home anyway.

Louis stared at the screen and sighed, pushing his fringe out of his eyes that was getting a hair too long. He'll definitely be seeing Zayn for a haircut soon. Yawning when he waits for Tumblr to load up on his sloth moving laptop, casually glancing over to the telly every so often. Half watching-half not. The background noise calms him.

As he sat there waiting... patiently, he thought about that trip that's merely eight weeks away. Looking forward to the three days they'd spend together alone, on a fucking holiday, all the fun things they do. Creating memories and ah- it's bound to be amazing.

Nothing, literally nothing could spoil this for him.

Eventually slowly dragging his eyes back to his laptop screen and feeling relieved when the page finally loaded. Good, now he can blog and get on with his life.

Not even wasting a minute to click on the text button, already knowing what he had wanted to get off his chest.

I still can't believe I actually went and told someone how I felt about H. Been so terrified for so long, fearing they 'd go around spreading the secret. Thinking I'm a fool for feeling the way I do because we're supposed to be best mates for life, not lovers.

Not anything more than that.

Yet, my mum is beyond a doubt the most lovely human being on earth, because she's kept her lips sealed. Not gone off to tell anyone, not even her best friend of many years, whose like a second parent to me. It's just so warming to know I'd always have my mother in my corner.

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