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When June fades into July, the days pass by in a blur. Many of those days were spent working doubles and doing whatever he could to save. A lot of late night party planning with the gang, and sometimes it'd be just him and Donovan. Trying to get everything in order and having a couple of beers just bullshitting through the evening like they'd known each other for years. Hearing all about Niall's crushes life from the highs and lows. His love for indie music and golf. Oh yes, Louis heard all about the golfing club Donovan was apart of a majority of his weekends to relieve stress.

As much as that topic had wanted to put Louis to sleep whenever it was brought up, it was nice to get to know the lad even better. In fact, as the days went on and more time was spent organizing the well awaited party, he started to consider the heartthrob a mate.

In fact, they've been texting on and off mostly about Niall's birthday and Don asking what were good ideas for a night out on the city? What was Niall's favorite food and if he liked to dance, just the basics.

And honestly? It was kind of fun trying to make Niall look good for the dow eyed beauty. Suggesting mildly romantic things that would just make it a night to remember. He tried everything to make things happen for Niall. Even if that meant accompanying Donovan to a golf shop because he was such a good friend.

But even as he got to make new relationships and shit, nothing was better than all the time he spent with Harry. They've been so good lately. Hanging out mostly every day (when they weren't working) and night. From midnight film marathons and a plethora of board games; video games and late night walks; bowling and drinks at the pub. Just anything to pass the time and it was nice. To actually feel better about the way things were going now that they had gotten all that time back that they'd lost.

It was refreshing to feel that way because it's been far too long.

He never wanted to feel like they've grown apart again, it was one of the worst feelings in the world.

Harry may not agree with some of his decisions in life. From Being mates with Sean and everything that happened in the past with Travis. But, it's whatever. Louis could say the same for Harry's choices in past partners, but he'd rather not touch that subject ever.

But overall, he was happy he'd gotten a piece of his life back, and that's all that mattered.

And now it's the middle of August, the weekend before their trip.

Louis was sat at a table swallowing down the lite beer he had while Liam talked his ear off about his managerial duties at the gym. It was boring as fuck, but he let his mate blabber on while Zayn sat there beside his boyfriend nodding his head along to whatever bullshit he agreed with. At least they stopped bragging about their Greece trip that had went on last month, Louis couldn't afford to feel envious anymore. It was draining.

But the good thing is, Zayn and Liam were still going strong, even if they still haven't resolved their financial woes.

"I'm just so exhausted, feel like I haven't slept in days." Liam complained, running his fingers through his hair. He looked tired, dark circles under his eyes, and his beard was much thicker than before. Louis truly didn't get it, why he was even torturing himself. Being sleep deprived and having not enough time in the day to do things.

Zayn rubbed Liam's back tenderly, staring at his boyfriend with soft eyes, and a slight frown dancing around the corners of his lips. Probably on the verge of wanting to care for Liam, head back home and get a full night's rest.

It kind of made Louis miss that feeling, to have someone that would care for you. Would be there for you when you're at your lowest. Making your days brighter and being nothing but supportive even if sometimes they didn't agree with whatever it was going on.

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