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If you'd like to spend the rest of your life with me too?

Louis' heart was torn and throbbing, he never had in his life ever came to a point where he'd have to make such a decision that intensified his pain. Choosing between two boys that want nothing more than to have Louis' love. Who longed to be his other half.

Who would've thought he'd be thrown into this heart-wrenching love triangle?

He surely didn't.

On one hand, he could finally have that fairy tale ending he always dreamed of, the idea of marriage was something he yearned for. To know someone wanted to spend their life with him and Sean wanted to. He was on his knee asking for another chance, a risky move Louis would say. Especially after everything they went through. They have a history that's bittersweet, and a part of him adores the idea of commitment.

Yet... something in his heart was telling him that if he went through with an engagement and eventually married, he'd be unhappy. Trapped into a relationship where he couldn't give himself away one hundred percent and love Sean unconditionally.

That he only liked the idea of having someone to call his husband.

Louis could've had this years ago, and at the time he would already be saying yes, crying tears of joy, and already had the ring on his finger. Young and in love. Excited for the new chapter in his life.

But that was then, and this is now... and Louis can't find it himself to do it.

He didn't feel the same way he did years ago...

"Sean..." Louis' voice was soft, and his gaze fell back down to his ex-boyfriend. "I can't."

His ex-boyfriend's face fell into a grimace, the small black box snapped shut, and he's on his feet towering over Louis.

"Why not?" Sean asked as he let out an irritated sigh. "I could give you everything you want, and I've proven myself to you that I've changed."

"Just because you're not the same man I knew years ago doesn't mean I should marry you." Louis explained, hoping that Sean would understand and not be so reactive and yet... he had a feeling this may not go over too well. "I don't need your money to be happy, Sean. I just-"

"But I've been so good to you, and I made up for what I did," Sean sounded outright angry, the ring box in his hand clenched in his grip. "You're going to throw away all that progress we've made because you wanna be with him?"

"And I appreciate you for that, I do, "Louis' hands were trembling, and all he wanted to do was Sean to leave. Stop trying to argue his points to win his fight. "But... I don't love you."

Sean's jaw was clenched, and Louis watched his shove the ring back into his pocket and just glared at him. It made Louis feel so small, and he hated every second of it, never had he been on the end of his past loves anger like this. Not once had he received such a look and Louis hated it.

"Can't believe I wasted my time trying to get you back when I clearly never had a chance," Sean said sharply. "I always had a feeling at some point you'd go off and fuck him."

Louis furrowed his brows, Sean was being a dick. Throwing a tantrum because he wasn't getting what he wanted. It was one thing that Sean was upset, but it was another now that he was practically insulting him.

"Wouldn't be shocked if you did when we were together." Sean sneered and that hurt Louis, speared right through his heart.

How could Sean say such a thing?

Louis wasn't the one who ran off every night to be in someone's else's bed while they were together.

"That's not true, and you know it," Louis was getting upset, he never liked to argue or be picked on. Especially not with someone who you thought loved you was now accusing you of something you never did. "How could you even say that?"

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