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Habitually, Saturday mornings were spent lounging in bed until noon.

It was one of the things Louis had looked forward to after a long week of work. Sleeping in a little longer and trying to avoid the world for a while. It's one the greater pleasures of life Louis would say and certainly the only that hasn't let him down.

Laying in bed doesn't mean he had to face those one sided feelings or a past lover that wanted to be mates. Nor did it mean hating every second of his shift on the job and feeling bad at the end because of one entitled customer. It's Louis oasis from it all, and he wouldn't trade it for the world.

Louis yawned, scraping his fingers through his soft fringe, staring up at his phone. It's going on ten, and he hadn't moved from his spot since he'd awoken. Having a bit of a group chat between Lottie and Fizzy; his sisters. Apparently, they wanted to blow up his phone at this ungodly hour because they still needed to get Jay a gift as her birthday was a little over a week away. So it looked like his morning lounge will be more hectic then he'd like. Then again, it was what he deserved, should've gotten his mum a nice card and present days ago, but no of course not. He'd been so busy himself trying to scrounge up whatever he could to pay his portion of the rent that's due. But of fucking course, he didn't keep track of his finances and went to the damn cinema with Niall to see Tomb Raider and then thought it was such a brilliant idea to go spend even more money on drinks at the pub.

What in the hell was he thinking?

It sucked, it really fucking blows he had to ask his mum for money to borrow the next time he will see her.

"When will I catch a break?" Louis groaned as he tossed his phone aside, pulling the blanket over his face.

He needed a fucking break already. Don't get Louis wrong, he loves his sisters dearly and would pretty much do anything for them, but it's too early for this shit. The day hasn't even started, and he's already stressed.

Figures, nothing ever goes Louis' way.

Then there was a knock against his door and Louis sighed, lowering the blanket from his head and it was Harry letting himself in.

"Hey," Harry murmured, stepping a little closer to the edge of Louis bed. He could see Harry's eyes searching his face for a moment. "Everything alright?"

Is it?

No, of course, it isn't, but he wasn't going to tell Harry that. Last thing he needed to do was have his flatmate worry because he's short changed at the moment. Because moving back to Doncaster had been put on the back burner for now.

Louis moved to sit up and scratched at his neck. "Yeah, just trying to think of a gift for mum."

It wasn't necessarily a lie, but it was all he could come up with at this moment.

"Maybe you could get her one of those handwritten bracelets?"

"Possibly, but I don't think she'd appreciate reading love you in my shit penmanship, Harold."

Harry chuckled, "It's the thought that counts, you know."

"But she's supposed to like it," Louis argued his point, pulling his blanket a little closer to him, the room feeling quit chiller. "I mean I could always settle with one of those sappy heart keepsakes to put on her bookcase."

"You could do that, I mean it's what Jay deserves after raising a Spitfire all these years." Harry quipped, there's a hint of a smile around his lips.

"You're such a dick." Louis said fondly, trying to bite back his smile.

Harry smirked, crossing his arms. "So other than being in an extra sassy mood today, I was hoping we could go for breakfast, if you're free."

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