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It's been three days. Three long days.

Louis hadn't meant to stay this long at Sean's flat as he should've already been back in Doncaster. Yet, being here with his ex-boyfriend was comforting to him, no one knew where Sean lived so they couldn't come pester him. He'd also been taken care of, like, really well.

If you would've asked Louis weeks or even months ago if he would've slept over at an ex-boyfriend for a day or two he would've laughed in your face. Told you to fuck off and flipped you the bird. It's kind of funny how things change, and he feels at ease staying in the same bed as his past boyfriend. Wearing Sean's clothes because he only had brought the ones on his back. Louis never meant to stay as long as he had, but he needed a little more time.

And Sean, he'd been a great host and didn't care if Louis stayed. In fact, he insisted Louis to stay as long as liked.

Another thing Louis appreciated about Sean taking him in, was the fact he hadn't made Louis talk. Reveal the reason why he'd rung him in the middle night with a despairing aurora.

When Louis came here right after he was picked up outside that Italian restaurant, Sean led him to the sofa and sat with him. Tenderly rubbed at his back and pressed his lips gently against Louis' temple. It was sweet and consolatory. Louis may had leaned into him a little more than he should have, but he was desperate. Yearning to feel the pain subside even it that meant it was temporary.

They didn't speak for a while. No speeches until Sean's soothing hand slid to his waist and rested there, and he asked carefully, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." Louis didn't want to think about what happened hours ago, he needed to forget.


Louis gnawed on his nether lip and shrugged his shoulders. Unsure if he should even tell Sean why he was so emotional at these hours. But he knows his ex-boyfriend would never try to pressure him to talk if he wasn't up for it. Maybe he'd check-in from time to time to see if Louis was ready to let it all out, but never cornering him to force it out. It was one of the many things Louis used to love about him.

"If you ever want to tell me, I'll listen." Sean crooned as he pulled Louis more into him.

And even after that moment, Louis had yet to tell him anything. Over the past few days that Louis had been staying here he had turned off his mobile in fear Harry would try to reach out to him. Afraid Gemma or his mates would beg him to come back as he's sure they already know everything that happened. Didn't even check his Facebook or Instagram, entirely withdrawing himself from any sort of social media or ways someone could contact him.

He's been spending an abundance amount of alone time with Sean, his ex-boyfriend had taken a few sick days to be with him. Louis told him he didn't have to, but Sean insisted.

So they've spent a lot of time together, and things have been great.

Even right now as he lays there in this massive bed at six in the morning he felt content. It was dark in the room, and the only source of light came from the alarm clock on the bedside table. The early morning air was chilly, and Louis had pulled the thick blanket closer. There was a warm body pressed into him and a palm on the center of his belly. Feathery breaths tickling along the back of his neck.

Louis will admit it was nice to be held like this, he had almost forgotten what it was like to lay in bed and be cuddled in these strong arms he hadn't had in years. He felt protected, and it's kind of fucking maddening that he was even allowing this to happen. Yeah, he should've taken the guest room, but all Louis wanted was to be cuddled. Even if that meant sharing a bed with Sean for a while because he knew his ex-boyfriend would always pull him in for a snuggle. Even in the past when they were fighting or when they were just mates for a while before they dated because Sean would always put an arm around him. Any given chance to hold Louis close and give him all the affection he could.

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