Pitch Black

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(Y/n) turned around as she glared at her worst enemy who she hates more than anything,Pitch.
Zea growled at Pitch,dangerously.
"The Big 5 all in one place.I am a little
star-struck.Did you like my show on the globe,North?Got you all together,didn't I?"Pitch said from above the Guardians and Jack.

Tooth darted over at Pitch,angrily but he disappeared in shadows.(Y/n) told the tooth fairies to stay in her bag again for safety.
"Pitch!You've got thirty seconds to return my fairies!"Tooth yelled,looking for the spirit who took her fairies.
"Or what?You'll stick a quarter under my pillow?"Pitch spoke up from the other side,but still above them.
"What do you want?"(Y/n) asked,glaring
at him,standing bravely.
"Ahh...(Y/n) still beautiful and daring as
always"Pitch said as he looked at her with a smile on his face.
"Still wearing that dress I see.How lame?"
(Y/n) said,smirking and Jack smirked a bit.
"It's not a dress"Pitch said,calmly at (Y/n) who snickered.
"Still a dress to me,Miss Black"she said and Jack and the Guardian chuckled while Pitch growled.
"Still haven't answer my question yet...
Why.Are.You.Doing.This?!"(Y/n) snapped,looking pretty serious,glaring at Potch again.
"Maybe I want what you have.To be believed in"Pitch said and Jack took in this.Pitch started to move from place to place as he talked.

"Maybe I am tired of hiding under beds"
"Maybe that's where you belong"Bunny said,pointing his boomerang at Pitch.
Pitch appeared standing on the edge of the platform where the Guardians were,upside down.
"Ah,go suck an egg rabbit"he said amd Bunny tried to catch him but he disappeared again in the shadows.
"Hang on...is that Jack Frost?"Pitch asked,appearing behind a column and
(Y/n) flinched.
"Look fimilar,(Y/n)?He looks just like your b-"

She cut off Pitch by throwing a kunai knife in his direction,near his head.
Jack looked at (Y/n),confused.
"Don't you dare say his name from your filthy mouth"she snapped,glaring at Pitch
dangerously.Pitch chuckled.
"Since when are you all so chummy?"he asked,half smirking.
"We're not"Jack mumbled as he watched (Y/n).
"Oh good.A neutral party.Then,I am going to ingore you.But,you must be used to that by now"Pitch said and Jack turned to see him standing behind a column.
"Pitch!You shadow sneaking rat-bag!Come
here!"Bunny yelled as he tried to attack Pitch but Pitch disappeared and appeared back above them.
Tooth spoted him.She grabbed one of Bunny's boomerang from his back and flew towards Pitch,ready to attack in rage.
Pitch just stood in his place and looked at her with a smile on his face.Tooth reached him and suddenly,the black horse appeared form Pitch's back and reared up at her.Tooth fell back and looked at it.
"Whoa,hey,easy girl.Easy"Pitch said as he calmed down the horse.He laughed and turned back to the Guardians,a certain black sand twirling around in his palm.
"Look familiar,Sandman?Took me a while to perfect this little trick"Pitch said as Sandy formed a few of his golden sand in his palm.He glared at Pitch.

"You change those beautiful dream of the kids into Nightmares,didn't you?!"(Y/n) yelled,glaring at him,with full of harted expression and the Guardians and Jack were shocked.
"Such a smart girl.That's what I love about you.Stong,powerful,intelligent and beautiful,"Pitch said as he smiled down at her.

"I would rather kill myself instead of loving
you.Look what you did to me back then,I will never forgive you!"(Y/n) snapped back,disgust  and hatrted in her voice.
"Don't be nervous.It only riles them up more.
They smell fear you know?"Pitch said.
"What fear?Of you?!No one's been afraid ofyou since the Dark Ages!"Bunny yelled as he grabbed his boomerang back from Tooth.

Pitch's eyes flashed with anger but a smile was on his face.
"Oh the Dark ages"he said as a flash black of those times he was believed in came back onto his mind.

"Everyone frightened.Miserable.Such happy times for me.Oh,the power I wielded.But then,the Man in The Moon chose you to replace my fear with your wonder and lights!Lifting their hearts and giving them hope!Meanwhile,everyone wrote me of just a bad dream!Oh there's nothing to be afraid of.There's no such thing as the Bogeyman!"Pitch said as he looked down at the Guardians.

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