The Last Light

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You,Jack and Babytooth landed in front of Jamie's window.They peaked through the window and saw Jamie sitting face to face with the little Bunny doll of his.

"Look,I've believed in you for a long time,ok?
So,you have to pay me back.Just show me a
sign,"Jamie said,now holding the doll.

But nothing happens.

Jamie sighed and looked down,disappointed.
"I knew it,"he said to himself and dropped the bunny doll to the ground.

A pain went through your chest as you once again winced.The last light was dying.
Then,you were pulled into Jamie's room softly by Jack.

You looked at him with a questioning look.
"Trust me,"Jack said and you nodded.
You watched him go to the window and he lightl blew some air on the glass,making it frosted enough to draw something on it.

He started drawing a bunny.This drew Jamie's attention and he started at what Jack was doing.You watched Jamie smiled happily and you saw hope in his eyes again as he mumbled to himself.
"He's real"

A small hope appeared in your mind again as you watched Jack closed his eyes.
Then,with his magic,Jack made a bunny came out of the frosted drawing right into his palms.
You smiled,amazed and impressed his work.

The bunny started hopping around the room in the air.Jack laughed and you giggled while Jamie laughed too,watching the little ble bunny.

Suddenly,the bunny disappeared and there was snow.It was snowing in a room.
"Snow?"you heard Jamie said.You saw Jack looking at his own work.

Then,shocking you and Jack,Jamie said something that drew Jack's attention.
"Jack Frost"

"W-What did you say?"Jack asked to Jamie who didn't notice him yet.A small smiled appeared on your face.This is it.This is the moment Jack has been waiting for the whole 300 years!
"Jack Frost?"Jamie said again.
"He said it.He said it again.You said...,"you heard Jack said.

"Jack,this is it.It's time.He is starting to believe!Believe in you!"you said excitedly as Jack looked at you shocked.He turned back to Jamie.

Excitement washed over your face as Jamie turned around.Then,Jamie's jaws dropped as he looked in Jack's direction.
"Jack Frost"

You smiled happily,knowing that Jack was now seen and believed.
"That's right!B-But that's me.Jack Frost!That's my name!You said my name,"Jack said,looking at Jamie.
Then,he noticed that Jamie was looking straight towards at him.
"Wait.Can you...see me?"Jack asked and Jamie nodded,with his mouth still hung and his eyes wide opened.

"C-Can you hear me?"Jack asked again.Jamie nodded and you smiled happily.Finally,Jack got the last light as his first believer!
You smiled and covered your mouth.
Never in your life,you've felt this happy.

"He-He sees me!"you heard Jack said,happily.
You noticed tears of joy in his eyes as he happily fliped backwards,landing perfectly on a desk.You heard Jack laughed happily.It even brought some tear in your eyes because you were happy for Jack.He was finally believed!
He must be really happy.

"You made it snow,"Jamie said.

"I know!"Jack replied happily.

"In my room!"Jamie said,now excited.

"I know!"

"You're real?"Jamie asked.

"Yeah!Who do you think brings you all the blizzardsand snow days!And remember when you went flying on that sled thw other day?"Jack said happily.You smiled.
It has been a long time since you lasy saw Jack so happy like this.And it made you smile more than anything.

The Life of a Cupid Who Fell In Love With Mr.Jack Frost  {Jack Frost X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now