Bad Times That Passed Like A Flash

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(Y/n)'s Pov,

I let Zea landed near Bugress,I told him to go back to the other Cupids and he did as he was told.

I flew towards the park.It's Easter,I can't wait to see the eggs that the Guardians and Jack painted.I smiled when memories of my human past life where it was the time of Easter.

I reached there and saw the Guardians and Jack who was looking depressed.Something told me that there was somethung wrong.

I landed behind Jack.
"Hey,guys how did it go?"I asked but no one answered.
"(Y/n)"I heard Jack mumbled my name as he turned to look at me.
"Where were you two?"North asked,with disappoiantment in his voice.

"I was at my lair,I had a meeting with the other
Cupids"I said.There was something wrong that's for sure.
"How about you Jack wait where did you get that?"Tooth asked,pointing something in Jack's hands.It was Jack's memory box.I gasped.

"I-This isn't look like what it looked like.
I am sorry.I didn't mean this to happen"Jack said.

"What happened?"I asked,confused.
"Pitch's Nightmares destroyed all the eggs in the tunnels.None of the eggs got here.Not even a single one"North said and I frowned.

"I am sorry,I-"Jack said but before he could explain Bunny cut him off.
"He has to go"

I frowned and looked at Bunny,tears were starting to form in my eyes at the thought of Jack leaving.
"W-What?"I asked.
Bunny yelled and my tears escaped.

I looked back at Jack who had an expression of fear on him.This is wrong.He didn't mean any of this.I believe in him.He looked down at the small wooden doll in his hands.He was hurt,I could feel it and it pains me.

"No,Jack.It isn't true.I am h-"I said but he cut me off.
"I have to go"

With that he flew away.
"Jack,wait!"I yelled,preparing to fly after him but Bunny grabbed me before I could.
"Leave him be,(Y/n).He doesn't belong here"he said.I shot him a death harted glare.

I yanked my hand away form him and looked at the Guardians.Tooth who knew everything about me and Jack even ignored it.
"All of this,you blame on Jack?How could you?
He didn't mean this.This isn't his fault!It is Pitch's!Not Jack!How could you say that?
Aren't we Guardians suppose to protect each
other too? "I blutered out in tears.They looked down and said nothing.

"I am out of here.You guys can do whatever
you want now. Especially you,Bunnymud"I said and they looked at me surprised.

I glared at them before I flew into the sky.
"Wind?"I called and the wind started to blee through my hair as I flew.
"Take me to him"

With Jack,his pov,

I yelled furiously as I tried to threw my memory box away again but I failed.I couldn't throw it away.I need to know.I disappointed the Guardians and (Y/n).I felt so angry of myself right now.I growled in anger.

The wind blew and I heard someone landed behind me.I turned around and saw (Y/n) looking at me with a soft expression.
"Jack"she called,her voice was weak.

"Why are you here?"I asked coldly,turning away from her.I really don't have the courage to face her right now.Just not now.Not when she is disappointed in me.

"I-I wanted to know if you are ok"she said.
"Ok?I am horrible,(Y/n).Look at me!"I yelled as I turned back to her.
"I disappointed you.I disappointed everyone.
Pitch is right.I make a mess everywhere I go.
I am selfish!I am-!"I was cut off when
(Y/n) hugged me tightly,crying.I was froze.

The Life of a Cupid Who Fell In Love With Mr.Jack Frost  {Jack Frost X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now