Collecting Teeth and Some Fun

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"Quickly!Quickly"North laughed as he appeared
form a chiemney and boomed down back into another chiemy.

Bunny jumped to roof to roof.
"Here we go.Here we go"he mumbled.

Jack zipped into the view as he called out to Bunny.
"Hop to it,Bunny!I am five teeth ahead!"
Bunny snickered.
"Yea,right.Look,I'd tell you to stay outta my
way.But really what' the point?Because you won't be able to keep up anyway?"he said as he looked at Jack.

"Is that a challange,cottontail?"Jack asked,
pointing his finger at Bunny.
"Oh you don't wanna race a it,mate"Bunny said as he smirked and hopped from roof to roof in a flash.
"Whoa!"Jack yelled as he raced after Bunny.

North burusted out of the chimney and jumped into another chiemny,processing this again and again.
"A race?Is it a race?This is going to be epic!"he yelled.

(Y/n) flew side to side with Jack.She had told Zea to guard her liar so she was on her own with the guardians.
"Hey Jack?Bet I can take you down and win the Queen place on the Naughty list"she said,smirking as she looked at him.

Jack looked at her back,smirking seductively at her.
"Oh,you're not challenging me are ya,beautiful?
Cause I am not gonna take it easy on you.
No one take the King place"he said and (Y/n) smirked wickedly.
"Let's see about that,Ice boy"she said and flew faster,laughing.Jack followed her,smirking.

Tooth overdrives as she looked everwhere excitedly,Babytooths struggling to keep up.
"Four bicuspids over there!An insicor two
blocks east!Is that a molar?They're
EVERYWHERE!"she yelled as she accidently bumped into a Tooth paste billboard with speed.
"Oww"she said,holding her nose.

Jack and (Y/n) stopped at the billboard to check up on her.
"You ok there,sis?"(Y/n) asked,looking at her.
"I am fine...sorry.It's been a really long time
since I've been out int the field"Tooth said as she flew up to them.
"How long is a long time?"Jack asked.
"Ah...four hundred fourty years...give or take"Tooth replied as she jerked her attention to a little girl's bedroom's window where a shiny flesh white tooth lies.
She gasped and raced over to it,excitedly,leaving Jack,(Y/n) and Babytooth to look at each other.

This is going to be a long night.

Jack landed outside at the opened window.
His excited smile disappeared when he saw Bunny hopped out of a rabbit hole from the bedroom's floor.

Bunny now holding a tooth in his paw,he turned to Jack and laughed,mockingly.Not amused,Jack zapped him with a burst of frost from his staff.
The Guardians flew over the Middle Eastern City in North's sleigh as the full moon lights up the night sky.

Bunny pulled his paw out from under a pillow,revaling serval teeth.
"Jackpot!"he said andlooked at the sleeping boy who was missing a lot of teeth.He grinned.
"Looks like you are a bit of a brumby,mate"

North pulled out two teeths from under different beds.
"Twins!"he said and kissed the teeth.

He went to another house and was about to get a tooth from the boy's bed.
"It's a piece of a pie"he said but that all changed when he fell into a rabbit hole,finding himself face to face with Bunny.
Sandy entered the room and took the boy's tooth for himself.
"Ow!"Bunny said.
"That's my tooth.Sandy!Sandy!"North yelled as he tried to get out.

Jack flied into a room and grabbed a tooth.He was about to get out until he found himself face to face with the seductively smirking
(Y/n) from the window.Their lips almost touched.Jack blushed as he forgot about the tooth he was holding in his hand,giving (Y/n) a chance to act her plan.

She pretended like she was about to kiss him,
causing Jack to become a blushing mess.Then,
suddenly,(Y/n) took the tooth from his hand and quickly flew away,laughing.
"Tricked you!!"she yelled before disappearing from the sight,laughing to herself.Jack blushed madly and quickly went after her.
"Hey!Come back here you little!"

Tooth reached under a pillow and pulled out a teeth,along with the mouse attached to it.She curiously looked at it until Babytooth tackled the poor mouse.
"Whoa,whoa,whoa,take it easy there,champ!
He's one of us.Part of the European division"
Tooth said as she stopped her by grabbing gently at her wings.Babytooth frowned.
Tooth turned to the mouse nervously.
"Ca va?"
The mouth gestured back angrily,throwing his hat to the ground.
North and the Guardians flew over the city,laughing happily.

Bunny pulled out a note from under the pillow instead of a tooth.The note shows an arrow pointing towards the window.North grinned as he leaped off the ledge,laughing.

(Y/n) landed on a rooftop,holding a sparkling white tooth,smiling proudly at herself.
Suddenly,she was grabbed by the waist as she was dipped by none other than the mischievous winter spirit.

She let out a small yelp in surprise,too shocked to speak as she blushed,holding onto him.Jack smirked and nipped at her nose,causing her to blush even more.
Taking his chance,Jack took the tooth in her hand and quickly span her around before flying away,laughing.
(Y/n) blushed madly and hid her face.

Jack laughed as he landed on a roof of some house.He laughed and looked at the tooth which he just stole from
"Yes!"he said and flicked it in the air.
But instead of the tooth falling back into his palm,Sandy caught it and quickly flew away,riding a cloud of his dream sand.
"No!"Jack yelled.
Sandy just waved at him and flew away.

North danced from roof to roof and quickly fell
down into a chimney,not aware of Bunny lighting up the fire place on purpose.
"Ho,ho,ho"Bunny said quietly,smirking demonically in the firelight.

A large brust of fire shot out from the chimney that North went in,causing (Y/n) to jump at the sudden noise.A sweat dropped down when she heard North's voice from there.

Jack,(Y/n),Sandy,Bunny and North stood proudly as they held out their own bags,each containing the teeth they had collected, to Tooth.
"Wow,you guys collect teeth and leave gifts as
fast as my fairies"Tooth said as she was overwhelmed by excitement.

Their eyes widened and a worried expression was written on Tooth's face.
"You guys have been leaving gifts right?"she asked.
The rest of the group turned to each other,sinking their heads and bitting their lips in embrassment.
"Totally forgot about that"(Y/n) said as she and Jack looked at each other,nervously.

(Omfg,I freaking love this pic!!He is just so adorable!!)

The Guardians stood in line in a random store,waiting their turns to put dollar bills into a coin dispenser

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The Guardians stood in line in a random store,
waiting their turns to put dollar bills into a coin dispenser.

Babytooth put a coin under a pillow.

Jack puts a coin under a pillow.

(Y/n) put a coin and a few chocolates under a pillow.

North pulls a tooth from under a pillow and replaced it with some candy canes and a coin.

Bunny fell through his rabbit hole after leaving easter eggs on a child's bed.

Sandy walked through a doggy door with a coin in his hand.He froze in his track when he saw
North,arranging the child 's room with Christmas decorations.Annoyed,he t hrew the coin in his hand away.

The Guardians disappeared in the night sky through a snowglobe portal,unaware of a Nightmare horse had been observing them and soon it disappeared into the shadows,through a sewers.

The Life of a Cupid Who Fell In Love With Mr.Jack Frost  {Jack Frost X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now