We Fight Together

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(Y/n)'s Pov,

I blinked my eyes as I woke up.
Where am I anyway?Wait...The fight...Pitch...
I gasped as memories of what happened flooded back into my mind.I sat up with tears flowing on my face.

This is all my fault.If I could have got there just a little faster he would have...he would have...
I hid my face in my hands.

I am sorry Sandy.

I noticed that I was in North Pole.
I wiped my tears away.I have to stay strong.
I can't just give up while children out there are in danger.

I got out of the room and walked to the edge in spite of stumbling all the way.
I saw the sight which almost caused me to break into tears again.

North,Bunny,Tooth,the elves and the yetis holding Sandy's funeral.

I looked away as I covered my mouth.
I felt so bad.I could have done something but look at me,I am useless.

I looked over the ceremony again.I didn't see Jack.I wonder where is he?
Slowly,I lifted myself off the ground and flew around to look for him,my body aches a bit.
What exactly happened to me after I black out?

After a few minutes later,I finally found him sitting by the window with his hood over his head.He looked depressed which caused me to feel even worse than ever.

I landed a few feet away and walked over to him,shakily.I noticed him drawing a pic of Sandy with frost.He must be blaming himself.

"Hey,you ok?"I asked and he turned his attention to me.
"(Y/n),you are awake"he said,taking his hood off,revaling his white hair and ocean blue eyes that I love to see.
I smiled a bit and nodded a bit as I tried to walk a little closer but I stumbled and fell forward.I thought I would hit the floor hard but a pair of cold and strong arms caught me from falling.

I looked up and my eyes met with Jack's.
"You know,you shouldn't be walking around
yet,you need rest"he said and I looked down.
"How can I rest when I just lost one of my
family again?How can I rest when the kids are
in danger?"I asked and he lifted my chin,making me looked into his ocean blue eyes.

"(Y/n),it's not your fault.It's my fault.I could
have...I could have done something"he said.
I noticed that he was trying to hold his tears back.
Without thinking,I warpped my arms around his neck and hugged him.His body stiffened due to my sudden action.My fingers went into his soft white hair.
"Don't blame yourself for that,Jack.I know it's
hard but we must stay strong.We still have to
fight to protect the children who are having
nightmares.That's why we must fight"I said and pulled away a bit and looked into his eyes.

"Together like always"I said the last part in whispered.Jack sighed and looked into my eyes.He was about to say something before my head started to hurts like hell.
"Ahhh!"I exclaimed as I stumbled to the ground but Jack caught me again.I held my head as I groaned in pain.

In my head,I saw a vision of lovers breaking up,girls crying in their bed and having nightmares,boys drinking because of love and that they don't believe in Love anymore.

"(Y/n)!Are you ok?What's wrong?"I heard Jack asked as he held me tightly to him.
"P-Pitch,they-they don't believe in me
anymore"I said as the pain started to decrease.

Then,North came into the view.

"Jack!(Y/n)!Are you two alright?"he asked.
Jack helped me up and helped me sit on the couch near the window where he was earlier ago.
"We're fine,North.Just a little weak that's all.
What exactly happened after Sandy died?"I said and shook the pain off of my head.

"You two should be proud of yourself,you know.
You two used all of your powers and saved us"
North said and I looked at him confused.

"But I did nothing"Jack said and I looked at him.
"What are you talking about?You saved (Y/n)"
North said and I blushed a bit.Jack saved me?

"But I couldn't save Sandy"Jack said and I felt him sad again.
"You-you saved me?What happened back
then?Why don't I remember anything?"I asked.Jack looked back at me.

"Well...it's hard to explain.It's like your other
side took over you and made you stronger"he said and I looked at him confused.

"It's like there is more secret in your powers,
(Y/n)"North said and I looked at him then to my hands.

"My powers?Wait,North where's my bag?"I asked and one of the yetis came to give me.
I quickly took out a small jewel ball and placed my bed aside.I looked at the small jewel ball in my palm.

"What's that?"Jack asked.
"A map"I said and closed my palm.Closing my eyes,I concentrated my powers on the jewel.

Jack's pov,

I watched (Y/n) as she closed her eyes and did something with that jewel ball.Soon,(Y/n) opened her eyes andthe jewel in her palm started glowing and she opened her palm as a small magic map of the globe appeared in her hand.

"Wow"I said.
(Y/n) smiled at me before looking at the thing called map.
"I'll work from here"

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