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"Honey, you're still in bed? It's way passed noon at this point – you're not getting sick are you?"

Cynthia opened one eye and looked at her alarm clock, her father was right she had been sleeping for way too long. After finishing Face/Off last night she had dragged herself to bed, not changed out of her clothes and simply passed out. It almost felt like she dreamt Daniel's visit last night but when she got downstairs and she could still smell his cologne on the sofa, she knew it was real.

"No I'm not sick dad I'm just tired, I stayed up watching Face/Off last night and I cooked honey glazed ham." She answered with a smile on her face.

"That sounds like a dream, Cyn, I promise when I come home we'll find some new recipes to try out." Anthony said.

The anger she'd felt toward her father was on pause for now, she was happy to hear from him. She had always had a closer relationship with her father than with her mother Tracy – they were just different. Tracy valued the importance of appearance a lot and Cynthia had never cared much for it. Her whole life was based on impulse and that's the way she liked it; some might interpret that as dramatic and loud but to Cynthia it felt good. Feelings weren't meant to be kept inside, there was always the chance of them boiling over – like they were right now.

"Have Mrs. Mills been over yet?" She heard her mother say in the background.

"No, mom she hasn't, because I'm fine. I need a shower and some breakfast before lying out by the pool all day." And with that she said good bye to her father and hung up.

Upon looking at herself in her full length mirror she saw the strange smile that was on her face. No matter how much she wanted it gone it wouldn't disappear and it was all because of Daniel's presence. Having him in her house yesterday, making progress to break down his walls and him eating her food was all reasons for smiling. Of course it felt a little silly trying on two bikinis before deciding on the Brazilian she'd saved for a special occasion – one where her parents would be absent for, but Cynthia had an urge to have Daniel noticing her and what better way than to flaunt what she had?

The sun was scolding by the time she got outside and dove in the water. Before she reached the surface she thought about how good things had been for her despite being grounded, all because of her newest distraction. Her friends might be out there enjoying their summer but she was going to make sure she enjoyed hers too. Or maybe they were all in mourning and Cynthia was the presumptuous one that would end up looking like the cold witch in the end. The overwhelming guilt begun stabbing at her heart once more and she let out a scream under water. Images of Maya popped into her brain and she was transported back to the worst mistake of her life; getting in that car. If only she hadn't...

Finally reaching the surface and heaving herself up on the edge she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She was still alive and kicking – but for what? Maya was a prominent student, would've graduated with honors and was going to Stanford – how could Cynthia's mediocre grades and college choices compare to that?! Maya should be here!

"Are you alright?" A male voice said and she opened her eyes.

Daniel was leaning over the tall face, from what she assumed was a latter, looking at her with a surprisingly concerned face. It wasn't until her breathing slowed down that she noticed how much she'd been panting.

"I'm fine. What's up?" She said while pretending like nothing had happened.

"I should be asking you that; or is this the part where you inform me that you have severe asthma or something?"

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