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Tonight was all about goodbye for Cynthia and Daniel, which they were both very aware of. That could've been the reason to why she felt no shame in dressing down for tonight's dinner. This would most likely be the last time they'd see each other for quite some time, if ever, but she didn't want to make it a big thing. Daniel didn't seem too bothered about it either when they'd parted earlier in the day and it took the edge off whatever was to happen tonight. She would be lying if she said a kiss would be off the table, because kissing Daniel had left her mind since the second it entered it, but whatever would come off tonight would not be long lasting.

She wore her black skinny jeans, the white Levis t-shirt that made her belly button peek out and her favorite pair of sandals – focusing more attention on her makeup. Her hair was hanging heavy on her back and the curls tickled her neck as usual, a smile widened across her lips when she looked herself in the mirror the last time before she settled in the living room to await Daniel.

Just like he promised Daniel knocked on her windows a mere 10 minutes later with the Chinese food ready to go. Cynthia couldn't quite contain her excitement as she relieved the bag from his hands and watched him climb through her window. Tonight was truly her last chance to grab his attention and leave him something to remember her by.

"I'm glad you didn't dress up," he said once they studied each other and saw that they both had the same colored jeans. "But you do look great, if that wasn't implied already." He finished.

Cynthia chuckled and shook her head at his attempt to compliment her, he was nervous. While they had shared moments of comfortable conversation before this was entirely different, they were expected to keep this up for the evening and who knew if they could be nice to one another for that long.

"I set up for us in the living room if that's alright with you?" Cynthia said as she nodded her head in the direction of the living room. Even though she was meant not to have any expectations on tonight she desperately wanted them to sit next to each other.

Daniel walked passed her and took a seat on the sofa, daring her to sit next to him which she did without meeting his eyes. She was relieved she'd turned on the TV for background noise seeing as neither of them wanted to be the first to speak. Cynthia took a deep breath and gave herself some inner courage before she began speaking, in order to see him off without any regrets she needed to be honest with him and him with her.

"What about me is it that you don't like?" The word vomit was out and it was now too late to take it back.

"Excuse me? Who said that I—"

"Oh please Daniel it's obvious; you never liked me and that's why you behaved the way you did with me. So I'd like to know what it is before we never see each other again." Her tone was light but the message behind it wasn't, she knew that, but still she felt he owed her some explanation to his behavior.

Daniel laughed nervously and scratched his neck to stall for time. Cynthia knew she was pressing him harshly but it felt justified. She instantly started to speculate what the answer could be and concluded that the worst one would be that he'd been in a relationship all of this time; because to her that was the only logical reason to him feeling from her the night they almost kissed. She sat on her hands while eagerly awaiting his answer.

"It's got nothing to do with you, Cynthia, don't worry about it." Daniel mumbled vaguely.

"Is it about what you told me that night, about the gun and the arrest?" She pressed on.

Daniel squirmed in his seats and busied himself with taking out the food and fiddling with the chopsticks on the table. She could tell that he still harbored his pain deeply and it saddened her that Mrs. Mills hadn't been able to get through to him as much as she had with her.

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