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"He kissed your forehead and didn't even try to go for your lips?"

"I know Isa and he never told me why. All he said was 'we can't do this' and then he left. What did I do wrong?" Cynthia had been talking to her cousin for the last 10 minutes and informing her of last nights 'almost kiss'.

She had been up for most of the night replaying the scene on the couch multiple times. When she occasionally drifted between sleep and wake the scene always ended with Daniel carrying her up to her room but before anything happened she would wake up. Now she was standing in her full length mirror trying on underwear studying the shape and curves of her body. Besides from the bruises and cuts that Daniel hadn't even asked her about she loved the way she looked. She'd been given her fair share of compliments in her teen years and even Officer Travis had given her a look of admiration. Strangely enough she couldn't care less about what anyone else thought – it was all about Daniel now.

"Are you sure he doesn't have a girlfriend? Did he give you a clear 'no' on that question?" Isabella asked.

"He never answered the question," Cynthia recalled the time she had asked him, "Should I ask him again?"

"Absolutely you should! You'll never know unless you get a clear answer and besides if he didn't have a girlfriend he must've hit his head hard if he's passing on a kiss with you."

Cynthia giggled, "The fact that you're my cousin makes that sentence all the more creepy."

"Listen I've got to get going, my mom is calling me, Auntie Tracy and Uncle Anthony told me to say hi and ask if you're alright." Isabella approached the topic of her parents carefully.

"Tell them I'm fine and that I'll give my dad a call tonight. Have fun today!" Cynthia said and ended the phone call.

She was happy that Isabella had a good time but it wasn't exactly great to daily be reminded on the fact that she wasn't there with her family. Cynthia ignored those feelings and focused on Daniel and what to do about him. She wanted nothing more than to know what went on inside his head and to understand it but Daniel had only cracked the door opened a little bit – she was yet to be invited inside.

But the fact that he had allowed her to grace his chin with her lips, the fact that his lips had lingered on her forehead and how his eyes had already sought out her lips were all signs that there was something going on between them. Cynthia would've never told Daniel about Maya's death and her pain if there hadn't been something about him that allowed her to feel safe around him. She smiled when she thought about what Daniel had told her about himself, it must've taken a lot to tell her about his own traumatic experience, and she hoped he felt a level of safety with her too.

With Daniel on her mind and no plan on how to confront him about last night she decided to swim a few laps in the pool, but not before bringing the mail in. After all she was still waiting on her acceptance letter to college. As soon as she got to her mail box she saw Daniel putting empty paint cans into his truck – she immediately walked over.

"Hey you," she said without getting any reaction, "what are you up to?"

Daniel's lack of interest surprised her. He gave her a weak smile before slapping his hands together, to get rid of the dust or paint residue.

"Just getting rid of all the paint, I'm done with the nursery now." His eyes were everywhere expect for on her.

"Wow that was fast! Will you let me see it?" She wondered if he could hear her pleading voice.

He made her nervous today with his nonchalant attitude toward her and she instantly knew it was all about yesterday's compromising situation. While talking to Isabella she had felt so confident about Daniel or at least in talking to him but now that was all gone. Instead she was trying her best to hold her own while standing next to him, because he didn't seem that interested in even attempting to talk.

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