you deserve the world

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it was finally saturday. the first week back at school was hell.. i saw daniel with that blonde girl almost everyday. he sees me in the halls, and walks past me like i'm nothing. i swear, the only good times at school were with peter. we didn't have any classes together, but i saw him during passing time and lunch. plus, i texted him during classes. he became my best friend. my only friend, really.
i realized i completely trashed my room while cleaning, so i decided to text peter to see if he would want to come over and me clean this mess.

Bree 11:18am : hey peter! so i was doing some cleaning, and my room is destroyed. i was hoping that you would come over to mine and help me cleannn? (:

Peter 11:20am : Oh gosh B, yeah of course... Send me your address loner.

hmm, "b".. that's what daniel called me.. whatever. stop thinking about it.

i sent peter my address and he came in like 16 minutes.

"okay so please don't judge me.. my room is a complete mess." i said while letting peter in.
"oh come on. how bad can it be?"
we walked in my room and he just stood there.
"don't say i didn't warn you." i said.
we sat on my bed, sorting through things, putting things in boxes.
i had labeled one box "daniel" for all his stuff. peter grabbed a football jersey with the last name "collins" on it.
"hey bree what box does this go in?" peter asked me.
i stared at the jersey. daniel gave me that when he won his first game freshman year.
"oh that goes in this box" i said pointing at the daniel one.
"soo, who's daniel?" he asked me raising an eyebrow.

no. not now. i can't. i'm not ready. what am i supposed to say? just tell him the truth.

"oh. um daniel was my boyfriend. he broke up with me on our 2 year anniversary." i said. i could barely spit out every word. i began to tear.
"oh god. bree i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to-"
"no it's fine." i interrupted. "i wanted to talk to you about it, i just wasn't ready. but i don't know if i'll be ready. so i have to talk about it."
"bree its okay. you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want too." peter said.
"i want to. i want you to get to know me peter."

so i told him. everything. we sat on my bed while i poured my heart to him. i didn't leave out any detail. he just sat there and listened to me. when i was done, i was bawling my eyes out, and he just hugged me. he held me.

"i am so sorry bree. wait is that why you were crying when we met?" peter asked.
i looked up at him and i was shocked to see him crying too. i laughed and wiped his tears.
"yes. but why are you crying? i asked laughing.
"i just can't imagine how anyone would do that to you. you're amazing bree, and you deserve the world. i am so sorry you had to go through that." peter said.
i just stared at him and smiled. i kept wiping his tears. i guess i got me an emotional one.

peter ended up leaving at 8pm that night.

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