my little pete

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in the back of my mind, i think that i'm moving too fast, that everything is happening too suddenly. the rest of my mind however, says that it's time to move on. it's so obvious that i have feelings for peter jacobs. i mean, how can i not? he's the most precious thing ever. i know that i deserve more. i know that being sad and depressed isn't going to help.. i need to move on. i need to move on to my little pete.


my mom and i looked through my closet trying to figure out what i was gonna wear.
my mom pulled out the dress i wore for homecoming freshman year.
"how about this?" she asked.
"yes mom, i would love to wear the dress i wore to my first dance with the boy who broke my heart." i snapped at her.
she put it back on the closet rack.
"i'm sorry mom.. i'm just really stressing out. this is the night where i tell peter i like him and i just wanna make sure it's-" i said
"it's okay. i understand. wait here. i think i have something." my mom interrupted.
i sat on my bed waiting for her to come back.
"you should wear this." my mom said showing me a short tight black dress.
"mom. isn't this the dress you wore when you first met dad?.."
"i want you to wear it. plus, you'd look 10 times better in it. i know your father's watching over you bree. i know he is so proud of you."
i hugged my mom.
"thankyou." i said crying.

i put on the dress. besides the makeup running down my face, i thought i looked beautiful. i needed to do something with this face and hair though. i looked at the time 4:48pm. i have time.

i usually don't try when it comes to my appearance since the breakup, but i wanted tonight to be perfect. i wanted to be perfect.
i matched my dress with some black heals and i waited for peter.

7:02 pm

there's peter. i opened the door, and there he was. he looked amazing. he wore a white button up, with black slacks. i swear you would think we were going to prom.
"you're 2 minutes late." i said.
"wow. um- uh, you look - beautiful." peter stuttered.
"my mom said i had to dress fancy, but she wouldn't tell me where we were going. you like?" i giggled
"i love- i mean yes i like it." peter said.
"shall we?" peter asked reaching out his hand.
i grabbed his hand. "we shall. "

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