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fear is a natural thing you feel right? heart pounding, blood gushing in your ears, your fight or flight moment kicks in and you dont know if you should stand up for yourself or just run away and hide in your room for days on end and wonder how or why you got yourself in that situation in the first place. like, you want to ask for help but you dont want to be a burden to people, your mother would ask you if youre ok but youre afraid that she'll wont understand or just blame it all on hormones cause apparently when youre a teenager, all of your problems are because of hormones and thats it. end of story. but its not, when you realize the world isnt all bright and happy like people make it out to be and you cant do anything except accept the fact that nothings fair and no matter what you do, people will judge and shame you.

but, you feel like you can help the world by doing small things. you rarely find any trustworthy people nowadays and when you do, a shimmer of hope courses through your veins and screams at your brain that the world isnt completely destroyed yet and there are people who care about things nobody cares for. all that people care for is looks and wealth and if you dont have either, youre a nobody.

"darling?" josh was flung out of his thoughts when tyler tapped his nose gently, tyler chuckling when his darling apologized with a blush dusted across his cheeks and tyler wasnt even mad at him. tyler could never be mad at josh, even if he tried and gosh he would hate himself if he saw a faint frown on his darlings face if he was angry.

"you seem to be lost in your thoughts a lot, what are you thinking about?"

"that the world is unfair and there are rare people out there who still care for things nobody thinks of, people who can look at others without judging them if they liked the same gender or if they dont believe in religion. but, when you do find those people, you realize the world isnt destroyed yet and that there are still people you can trust without a doubt in your mind that they'll share all your dark secrets or ruin your life at all because you can tell by the way they look at you and care about you, -" tyler watched as josh rambled on and on, listening contently. tyler never thought his darling thought like this, it surprised him to say the least.

"-and i realized that youre my shimmer of hope in the darkness and that i can trust you without a doubt clouding my mind. i cant put into words of how much i love and adore you and how much you mean to me. i realized youre one of those rare people out there and im so so so so happy that i found you on accident, im actaully more then happy that i found you and if theres a word out there that describes how much i adore you, i would say over and over again until i die. so you, tyler joseph, are the most important and extravagant human being that ever walked into my life and i dont know where i would be if you werent here."

tyler looked down at the now crying boy, cradling josh so much closer and shushing him. tyler cupped his darlings face and eskimo kissed him, wiping away the tears and placed a tender kiss to his forehead.

"you mean the world to me too, darling."

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