04. Marks & Nightmares

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What do think of my wallpaper?


The akward moment, when you should be marked, by almost stranger.

Once you are marked, it's extremely hard to break. Fortunetulely it's sealed, by mating, which we aren't hopefully doing today.

There we are sitting on Tobias' bed, hugging each other. I just want to cry, but I can't be weak.


I look up at Tobias. "Yeah?" I whisper.

"We don't have to do this." Tobias says to me and I shake my head.

"As much as I like that idea, our parents would kills us, if we didn't." I tell him.

"I know, but-"

I cut him off: "Just shut up!"

I push my lips to his and kiss hard, then he starts kissing me back.

Things get heated quickly, and before I get to say anything, Tobias bites my neck and marks me.

It hurts a lot, so I hiss from pain and grit my teeth.

"Sorry." Tobias pants. "Your turn." He offers me his neck.

I shyly look into his eyes and notice, that there's no fear.

I get some confidence out of that, and I bite the nape of neck. The same spot, that my mark is in.

He hisses, but stays quiet.

I let him loose and we both breath heavily.

I smile tiredly, just wanting out of my toga.

"That hurt." Tobias comments and I chuckle.

"Agree." I comment, then it's his turn to laugh.

He leans in for another kiss, which I gladly give to him.

We separate and I ask: "Can I now get this dress off of me?"

He chuckles again. "I would prefer you in nothing, but I guess you can change." He replies, before understanding what he said, going deep red on his cheeks.

"Maybe someday." I confess, before blushing and kissing his nose.

He scrunches his face, then I get up, from his embrace.

I take my light powder blue night gown and walk to the bathroom to change.

When I get back Tobias is already sleeping on the bed. I shruq, knowing I got share the bed with him eventually and slip in beside him.

I fall asleep, watching Tobias sleep.

I wake up from the bed being shaken.

Turning and looking at Tobias, I detect he's having a nightmare.

I shake his shoulder. "Tobias, wake up." I mumble. He doesn't wake up.

I shake him harder. "Tobias." I repeat, in my normal talking volume.

He shoots up, panting. He looks terrified, before noticing me and relaxing.

"Nightmare?" I question.

He nods, while laying down and wrapping me in a hug. I hug him back, breathing in his alpha senct.

"Want to talk about it?"

He shakes his head. "No. I just want to hold you." He anwers and hugs me tighter.

I let him.

We stay like that, untill we both fall asleep, with out nightmares.

Howling For  Happiness // Fourtris Werewolf AU //Where stories live. Discover now