Caspar Lee*An Interview

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Caspar Lee, was coming over today. Yes... Caspar Lee, the famous YouTube with over 7 million subscribers, was coming to interview me;
A 23 year old who somehow started a youtube channel that has blown up. So, Caspar asked me if I wanted to be interviewed for his YouTube channel.
What would you say if one of your favorite people ever asked you to meet up with him?
Of course YES.
It was time. He was coming over, Caspar fricking Lee. I frantically cleaned my house and than
DINGGGGG; the doorbell rang.
I sprinted and opened the door.
"Y/N!!!!" Caspar exclaimed.
He hugged me, and I smiled.
"He's a lot taller in real life" I thought to myself.
"Are you excited to film?" I asked laughing.
"I'm actually really nervous"
I laughed. "Why? I know I'm pretty scary but..."
"Forget the scary part" he said, grinning.
"Did he just call me pretty?"
"Are you ready?"
I played with my ring nervously. "I think I'm ready"
"Hi my name is Caspar Lee"
"The iconic intro" I thought.
"And today I am interviewing the beautiful Y/N"
I smiled and waved at the camera.
"Thanks Caspar" I said quietly.
He winked at me, and than we began the interview.
After the interview, Caspar and I became pretty close. Being about the same age and spending hours with each other talking, I grew a liking of Caspar, maybe more than a liking.
Caspar packed up all the filming equipment and than sat down next to me on the couch.
"Sooooo.... Y/N...."
I looked him in the eyes.
He cleared his throat.
"Would you like to go on a date tomorrow?"
I gasped, shocked that he actually liked me.
"I would love to Caspar!"
He clapped his hands, and we both laughed.
"Great! I'm exciteddddd" Caspar exclaimed.
"Me too" I said, giving him a hug goodbye.
The start of a lavleyyyyy relationship ;)

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